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【#小学英语# 导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学五年级英文歌曲【五首】》 供您查阅。

【Edelwise, edelwise】

Edelwise, edelwise 雪绒花,雪绒花

  Every morning you greet me 每天清晨向我致意

  Small and white 小巧而洁白

  Clean and bright 干净又明亮

  You look happy to meet me 遇见我你很快乐

  Blossom of snow 雪白的花朵

  May you bloom and grow 愿你开放成长

  Bloom and grow forever永远开放成长

  Edelwise, edelwise雪绒花,雪绒花

  Bless my homeland forever愿你永远保佑我的祖国

【Are you sleeping?】

Are you sleeping?

  Brother John?

  Brother John?

  Morning bells are ringing.

  Morning bells are ringing.

  Ding ding dong.

  Ding ding dong.

  Are you sleeping?

  Are you sleeping?

  Brother John?

  Brother John?

  Morning bells are ringing.

  Morning bells are ringing.

  Ding ding dong.

  Ding ding dong.

【All By MySelf】

There are many things I can do ,

  All by myself.

  I can comb my hair and lace my shoes,

  All by myself.

  I can wash my hands and wash my face,

  All by myself.

  I can put my toys and blocks in place

  All by myself.

【I went to school】

I went to school one morning

  and I walked like this

  Walked like this walked like this

  I went to school one morning

  and I walked like this

  All on my way to school

  I saw a little robin

  And he hopped like this

  Hopped like this hopped like this

  I saw a little robin and

  he hopped like this

  All on my way to school

  I saw a shiny river and

  I splashed like this

  Splashed like this

  Splashed like this

  I saw a shiny river and

  I splashed like this

  All on my way to school

【Where Is Nala?】

Where is Nala?

  Where is Nala? Where is Nala?

  Are you hiding from me ?

  I will ask the Zebras, l will ask the Zebras

  To help me . To help me.

  Where is Nala ? Where is Nala?

  I am looking for you.

  Won’t you tell me, monkeys,

  Won’t you tell me, monkeys,

  What to do ? What to do?

  Where is Nala ? Where is Nala?

  Am I closer to you?

  The crocodile is smiling.

  Please tell me where she’s hiding.

  Please won’t you ? Please wont’ you ?

  Have you seen her ? Have you seen her ?

  She is hiding from me.

  Elephants and Hippos,

  Elephants and Hippos,

  Where is she ? Where is she?

  Am l warmer ? Am l warmer?

  Someone tall, please help me.

  I will ask Giraffe,

  I will ask the Ostrich,

  Can you see ?can you see ?

  What’s that moving? What’s that moving?

  It looks furry to me.

  Could it be a tail? Could it be a tail?

  Let me see. Let me see.

  Now l see you, now l see you,

  Nala l caught you now.

  I will hide tomorrow,

  You will never find me.

  That’s my vow. That’s my vow.

