
时间:2021-08-13 23:12:56 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】月儿圆,人团圆,团团圆圆幸福家;月饼甜,心里甜,甜甜美美幸福日;中秋节,好佳节,节节高升家收入;齐欢乐,共享乐,乐乐悠悠家美满;短信送,祝福送,送送吉祥与如意,愿君全家中秋快乐,开心!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation. It is the 15th day of August of the lunar calendar every year. Because the moon is full on this day, symbolizing reunion, also known as reunion day.

  We have a three-day holiday on the mid autumn festival every year. People will come back from outside to eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon with their families.

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival, the rain has been falling, without a stop. The full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival can't be seen.

  My heart is happy, because my father will come back to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with me. My father works in other places and doesn't often go home. When I think of my father, I always call him. My father said that he would come back to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with me. I jumped up happily.

  My mother and I waited for my father. I called my father again and again. My father had passed Wuhan and Zhengzhou. When the key turned the door lock, my heart flew up and shouted at my father.

  It's still raining outside. My parents and I are eating moon cakes, talking and laughing. I think the moon outside is very round, bright and beautiful!


  Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. Our family goes to our hometown for the festival. We got up early and went home after breakfast.

  After dinner, our family went out for a walk. Our hometown is different from the city. The city is very lively and neon lights flicker. And our hometown is very quiet, surrounded by darkness. We walked all the way from Grandpa's house. It was dark in front of us. Although the weather today was not very good, the light moonlight sprinkled on the ground. The road ahead was still clear and reflected us in the light moonlight. Walking along the stream, my father and I put our feet into the stream. The stream is so ice! The round moon is reflected in the stream.

  We continued to walk forward. My father told him his childhood experience, catching fish in the stream, climbing up the tree and taking bird eggs... We went to the big playground and walked back slowly according to the original road. When I got home, I took out my chair, sat at the door and looked at the moon, holding moon cakes and fruits in my hand. I enjoyed the moon while eating. Today's moon flickered like a shy little girl. We are still chatting together, talking about dad when he was a child.

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival, although the moon is not very beautiful, our family had a Happy Mid Autumn Festival together.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. August 15 of the lunar calendar is the mid autumn festival every year. According to customs, the whole family will get together to eat moon cakes on this day, which means family reunion.

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival, our family sat in the moonlight and ate moon cakes. A golden full moon has been hung high in the air, like a jade basin hanging in the sky. We sat in the moonlight, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes. I asked my father why there seems to be a tree on the moon. My father said, "it is said that it is a tree in front of Guanghan palace, where Chang'e lives." I looked at my father with confused eyes. My father seemed to know why I wanted to ask why the moon lives Chang'e? Dad said, "Chang'e was as ordinary as us. Later, she became an immortal because she took a fairy medicine. From then on, she lived on the moon and could not return to the world. But her husband misses her very much. Every year today, her husband will face the moon to commemorate Chang'e, so today's Mid Autumn Festival is born.

  Hearing this, I realized that the Mid Autumn Festival came like this. I nodded vaguely. Gradually it was late at night, but the mystery on the moon deeply moved me. I believe that when I look up at the moon in the future, I can think of that beautiful fairy tale!


  August 15 is a traditional Chinese festival - the Mid Autumn Festival. My parents and I went to my grandmother's house for a reunion dinner, as well as my aunt, uncle and my fat brother. The whole family gathered together to enjoy the happiness of their family.

  Grandma prepared a sumptuous dinner. The adults ate. Don't talk about family affairs. My brother and I also had a good time talking. From time to time, there was laughter and laughter. What a happy scene. Everyone's face was full of happiness. Unknowingly, the moon quietly climbed into the sky, and the full moon like a jade plate walked through the clouds. As the saying goes, "the moon on the fifteenth day is sixteen circles", Today's moon is very round and bright. Sister moon is wearing white gauze clothes. She is quiet and serene. She seems to look down on the world, listen and share the peace and sweetness of this moment. At this time, grandma brought a plate of moon cakes, which is an indispensable dessert tonight. The round moon cakes also symbolize Tuan Yuan, hemeimei and sweetness. It's really exciting and happy for the family to gather together, eat sweet but not greasy moon cakes and bathe in the bright moonlight.

  Mid autumn night is happy and warm. Let's celebrate this happy mid autumn festival together!

