成功的英文翻译是什么 我们都想获得成功,但是成功并非唾手可得,成功必须靠自己去争取。下面是店铺为你整理的成功的英文翻译,希望大家喜欢! 成功的英文翻译 success; succeed win prosperity triumph come through success常见用法 n.成功,成就; 好成绩,好结果; 成功的人(或物); 1. Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned. 成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。 2. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill 成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。 3. Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success. 事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。 4. Today's Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy. 今天的安理会决议将是美国外交取得的一个重大成功。 5. The company was coasting on the enormous success of its early products. 公司凭借早期产品的巨大成功而在市场上遥遥领先。 6. The Ariane space-rocket project has had a shining success. 阿里安航天火箭项目取得了辉煌的成功。 7. The British team did not disguise their delight at their success. 英国队毫不掩饰他们获胜的喜悦。 8. There is often a strong accent on material success. 经常大力强调物质成就。 9. The good weather helped to make the occasion a resounding success. 天公作美,使得这次活动获得了巨大成功。 10. Efforts to commercialise the Russian space programme have met with little success. 为使俄罗斯太空项目走向商业化而作出的种种努力几乎没有取得什么成功。 prosperity 造句 1. Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals. 经济繁荣昌盛一直是各国普遍追求的共同目标。 2. Economic prosperity depends critically on an open world trading system. 经济繁荣关键要靠一个开放的世界贸易体系。 3. Britain is not enjoying such prosperity as it was in the mid-1980s. 英国现在已经不像20世纪80年代中期那么繁荣昌盛。 4. In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.--John Churton 得意时,朋友识我;失意时,我识朋友。 5. The town's nineteenth-century prosperity was built on steel. 这个城市19世纪的繁荣是建立在钢铁工业基础上的。 6. Our future prosperity depends on economic growth. 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/001de6b5d2f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a7303766c43.html