====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删==== I. 首字母缩略词 AQ= Adversity Quotient 逆境商数; ATM= Automatic Teller Machine 自动柜员机 BBS= Bulletin Board System 公告牌系统、电子公告板; CATV= Cable Television 有线电视 CBD= Central Business District 中央商务区; CCEL= China Certification Committee For Environment Labeling Production中国环境标志产品认证委员会 CEO= Chief Executive Officer首席执行官; CTO= Chief Technology Officer 首席技术主管 CFO= Chief Finance Officer首席财务主管; CET= College English Test大学英语测试 CID= Central Information District中央信息区; CA= Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师 CPU= Central Processing Unit 微处理器; DOS= Disk Opening System磁盘操作系统 DV= Digital Video数码摄像; E-Learning/On-Line Learning 在线学习 EQ= Emotional Quotient情商,又称情绪智力; GPS= Global Position System全球定位系统 EVA= Economic Value Added经济增加值,指在扣除产生利润而投资的资本的成本之后所剩下的利润。 FUN新型的家庭生活方式,也就是现代健康家庭的三个要素:F-健身,U-和谐,N-营养 GDP= Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值GNP= Gross National Product国民生产总值 GRE= Graduate Record Examination由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)主办的美国硕士研究生入学资格考试。 MBA= Mater Of Business Administration工商管理硕士专业学位 OTC= Over The Counter非处方药。 PETS= Public English Test System全国公共英语等级考试; PA= Personal Assistant个人助理 SMS= Short Message Service移动数据通讯中的短消息业务 TOEFL= Test Of English As A Foreign Language 托福 IELTS= The International English Language Testing System 雅思 GRAD= Graduate 毕业生 CIA 中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency) CIS= Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家共同体 EU= European Union 欧盟 CPPCC= Chinese’s People’s Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议 CNPC 中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation) CPC =Communist Party of China 中国共产党 DJI道琼斯工业平均指数 (Dow-Jones index) EST(美国)东部标准时间(Eastern Standard Time); FAO= Food And Agriculture Organization (of the UN)(联合国)粮食及农业组织[简称(联合国)粮农组织] FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国)联邦调查局 GMT= Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间 ICJ = International Court of Justice 国际法院 ILO= International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织 IMF 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund) IOC 国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee) IRO国际难民组织(International Refugee Organization) NIH= National Institute of Health 美国国家健康研究院 HAC= House Appropriations Committee 美国国会议院拨款委员会 NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和航天局 APEC= Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织 NATO北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) NPC 全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress) OPEC 石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 源-于-网-络-收-集 ====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删==== PLA 中国人民解放军(Chinese People's Liberation Army) PLO巴勒斯坦解放组织(Palestine Liberation Organization) PM= Primer Minister首相 MP = Member of Parliament 国会议员 PR公共关系(public relations) RP菲律宾共和国(Republic of the Philippines SDI 战略防御计划( Strategic Defence Initiative) UNESCO 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization) UNGA联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly) UNSC 联合国安全理事会(United Nations Security Council) WHO世界卫生组织(World Health Organization) AIDS= acquire immune deficiency syndrome G-man = Government man V-day = Victory day D Notice = Defence Notice II. 节缩词 Aussie=Australian; biz=business; champ=champion; con=convict罪犯; deli=delicatessen(熟食) expo=exposition(博览会); homo=homosexual; lib=liberation(解放); pro=professional(专业的) rep=representative; Russ=Russia; Sec=secretary; gent=gentleman; exec=executive; vet=veteran(老兵,老手) vic=victory; doc=doctor; mod=modern; demo=demonstration; memo=memorandum备忘录; hospital= hosp;billion = bn; percent = pc; cigarette= cig; Mag=Magazine; hanki= handkerchief; telly=television; fridge=refrigerator; flu=influenza; curtsy=courtesy礼貌 chute=parachute (降落伞); copter=helicopter; nat'l=national; com'l=commercial; c'tee=committee(委员会); C'wealth=Commonwealth(英联邦); zoo=zoological garden; pub=public house; hi-tech= high-technology; earthquake= quake; detective= tec(侦探) III. 拼缀词 Brunch=breakfast+lunch Botel= boat+ hotel 汽艇游客旅馆; motel=motor+ hotel 汽车旅馆 Advertistics= advertising+statistics 广告统计学 Chunnel=channel+tunnel 海峡隧道; Lidar=light+radar 激光雷达; Autocide=automobile+suicide撞车自杀 Broasted= broiled+roasted; Cremains=cremate+remains骨灰; Skurfing=skating+surfing 溜冰板 Chocoholic=chocolate+alcoholic酒芯巧克力; Cosmat=communication+satellite; Amerind=American+Indian美洲印第安人; Sitcom=situation+comedy情景喜剧; Lunarnaunt=lunar+astronaut登月宇航员; Bookmobile=book+automobile流动汽车图书馆; Workfare=work+welfare工作福利;Tourmobile=tour+automobile; Medicare=medical+care老年保健医疗 Eurasia= Europe+Asia亚欧大陆; Autocamp=automobile+camp汽车宿营地; 源-于-网-络-收-集 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/009870aa1937f111f18583d049649b6649d70956.html