考博英语-232 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Translation(总题数:4,分数:100.00) 1.在角色没有明显划分、家务或多或少由双方共同承担的家庭中,男尊女卑的观点很难维持的。在这种家庭长大的孩子比他们的父母更容易接受平等的观念,并做好充分准备去加入一个合作的而不是“性别大战”的社会。 (分数:25.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or less extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the "battle of the sexes." 2.“失落之城”马丘比丘坐落在秘鲁热带山地森林,直到1911年才被美国探险家海勒姆·宾厄姆发现。马丘比丘海拔2430米,为热带森林所包围。它可能是印加帝国全盛时期最辉煌的城市建筑,那巨大的城墙和梯田好像是在连绵的悬崖绝壁上自然形成的一样。古城矗立在安第斯山脉东边的斜坡上,环绕着亚马逊河上游的盆地。马丘比丘废墟是世界上最美最神秘的古代遗址之一。早在15世纪初期,印加人就在那里建起数百座石建筑,传说和神话表明马丘比丘曾是一个圣地。古城废墟有宫殿、洗浴室、寺庙、贮藏室和大约150间房子,皆保存完好。这些建筑均用山顶的灰色花岗岩雕筑而成,是建筑学和美学的奇迹。 (分数:25.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:Machu Picchu, the "lost city" located in Peru"s tropical mountain forest. Wasn"t discovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham until 1911. It stands 2,430 meters above the sea level, surrounded by the tropical mountain forest. It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height; its giant walls and terraces seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous cliffs. The ancient city, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, surrounds the upper Amazon Basin. The ruins of Machu Picchu are one of the most beautiful and mysterious ancient cites in the world. While the Inca people erected hundreds of stone structures there from the early 1400"s, legends and myths indicate that Machu Picchu was a sacred place. The ruins have palaces, baths, temples, storage rooms and some 150 houses, all in a remarkable state of preservation. These structures, carved from the gray granite of the mountain top, are wonders of both architectural and aesthetic genius. 3.1.当代中国与世界的关系发生了历史性变化。中国经济已经成为世界经济的重要组成部分,中国已经成为国际体系的重要成员,中国的前途命运曰益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣稳定也离不开中国。中国将一如既往地致力于与各国一道建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。 2.人与人之间的差别在于他们对待事物的不同态度。有人按照事物的颜色、大小、外形来区分事物,有人根据事物内在的特点、因果关系来区分事物。有人可能更关注事物之间的内在区别,而忽略了事物之间一些外在的差异。对待事物的不同态度决定了人们处理问题的不同方法。 3.结交朋友是为了建立一种朴素的、真诚的社交圈子,友谊就是互助,我们既可以与朋友在平静的日子中一道悠闲散步,抒发优雅的才情;也愿意与朋友一起度过坎坷的岁月。友谊不应当落入平庸与俗套当中,我们应该以勇气、智慧和力量为友谊增色。 (分数:25.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:1. Historic changes have taken place in the relationship between contemporary China and the rest of the world. The Chinese economy has become an integral part of the world economy. China has become an important member among the international systems, and its future and destiny have been closely connected with the international community. China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity and stability without China. China will, as it always does, endeavor to build, together with other countries, a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity. 2. The difference between men is in their principle of association. Some men classify objects by their color, size and appearance; others by intrinsic likeness, or by the relation of cause and effect. Still, some may focus on the clearer vision of their causes, and neglect their surface differences. People"s different attitudes determine their different ways of dealing with things. 3. Making friends aim at building a plain and pure-hearted sociality circle; the friendship refers to help each other. We can have rambles on serene days, or express graceful feelings, but share frustrations as well with our friends. Friendship should never fall into something usual and settled. We should complement the friendship with courage, wisdom and strength. 4.科学与文化的其他方面关系长期紧张。想一想,17世纪的伽利略因其信念离经叛道,遭到天主教会的审判;诗人威廉·布莱克尖锐地批评了艾萨克·牛顿的机械论世界观。在本世纪如果说有区别的话,那就是科学与人文科学间的裂痕更深了。 前些年,科学界势力强大,对批评者可以置之不理——但现在不同了。由于科研经费减少,科学家推出几本书来抨击“反科学”的倾向。其中,值得注意的有弗吉尼亚大学生物学家保罗R.格罗斯与拉特格斯大学教学家诺曼·莱维特合著的《高级迷信》及康奈尔大学的卡尔·萨根著的《鬼怪世界》。科学捍卫者还在集会上表达他们的忧虑,比如,1995年在纽约城举行的“飞越科学与理性”大会和去年6月在布法罗附近召开的“信息(迷信)时代的科学”大会。 很明显,反科学对不同的人有着不同的含义。格罗斯和莱维特针对那些质疑科学客观性的社会学家、哲学家及其他学者,主要挑他们的毛病。萨根更关注那些相信鬼怪、上帝造物及信奉其他与科学世界观相左的人。 1996年对新闻报道的调查披露反科学的标签也已贴在许多其他群体身上,从提倡消灭现在保存的全部天花病毒的官员到鼓吹削减基础研究的共和党人。 把该词用到反原子弹组织身上也不会引起多大争议。它在1995年公开发表声明藐视科学,渴望回到前技术时代的理想社会。但这当然不是说,对不加控制的工业发展表示担忧的环保主义者也是反科学的,而去年五月份刊载在《美国新闻与世界报道》的一篇文章似乎有此种暗示。 环保主义者毫无疑问要对这种批评作出反应。处于环境研究前沿的斯坦福大学的保罗·埃利希认为,科学的真正敌人是那些对工业增长使全球变暖、臭氧层日渐稀薄及其他后果的证据提出质疑的人。 的确,这些观察家担心反科学这个词语会变得毫无意义。哈佛大学的哲学家杰拉尔德·霍尔顿在他1993年发表的《科学与反科学》的著作中写道:“‘反科学’一词可以涵盖太多的截然不同的东西,它们只有一个共同点就是会激怒或威胁那些自以为比别人更高明的人。” (分数:25.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. Think of Galileo"s 17th century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake"s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton. The schism between science and the humanities has, if anything, deepened in this century. Until recently, the scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its critics, 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/010cfad549d7c1c708a1284ac850ad02df80074a.html