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彩虹是一种自然现象,是由于阳光射到空气的水滴里,发生光的反射和折射造成的。那么你知道彩虹用英文怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来彩虹的英文说法,供大家参考学习。 彩虹的英文说法:


[ˈreinbəu] [ˈrenˌbo] 彩虹相关英文表达:

iridescence; 彩虹光 droguet; 彩虹锦 ombre strip; 彩虹条纹

iridescent clouds; 彩虹云 彩虹英文说法例句:

1. The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.


2. The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981.

1981年末之后,彩虹剧院就再没主办过现场音乐会。 3. Oh look, a rainbow! 看哪,彩虹!

4. A rainbow arced gracefully over the town. 彩虹在小城上空画出了一道优美的弧线。 5. the arc of a rainbow 彩虹的弧形

6. all the colours of the rainbow 彩虹的各种颜色

7. The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky. 彩虹在昏暗的天空划出了一道圆弧. 8. The rainbow forms an arc in the sky. 彩虹在天空中呈一个弧形.

9. A bright rainbow arched above. 一弯明亮的彩虹悬挂在天空.

10. A rainbow arched across the sky. 一道彩虹横跨天际.

11. A rainbow rose against the dark sky. 昏黑的天空中出现一道彩虹.

12. A bright rainbow arched above after the rain. 雨后彩虹在天上形成弓状.

13. The second rainbow will be bigger than the first, and directly above it.


14. At sight of the rainbow , the children were more glad than the parents.

看见彩虹, 孩子们比大人更高兴.

15. Round about , piles of lime - stone glistened in all the colours of the rainbow.

周围一堆堆的石灰石,在彩虹一样的斑斓色彩中闪闪发光. 彩虹的英文怎么说 彩虹是一种自然现象,是由于阳光射到空气的水滴里,发生光的反射和折射造成的。那么你知道彩虹用英文怎么说?下面店铺为大家带来彩虹的英文说法,供大家参考学习。 彩虹的英文说法: rainbow [reinbu] [renbo] 彩虹相关英 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式
