
时间:2022-04-02 13:24:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


清明节英文精选作文(一) 中文:



这真是有意义的一天,感谢清明节! 英文:

oday is omb-sweeping ay, our one family from hongqing to engjie after a long journey, finally to my family, to sweep a tomb for the dead elders grand.

e difficult from the foot of the mountain to climb to the top of the mountain, saw the long absence of the graves, the


graves have overgrown with weeds, and the tomb is very messy. e can't bear to see the graves so messy, immediately rushed up, mom, ad, sister weeding im soil water, and my brother offerings to a busy picture, full of festive atmosphere. hen brother cried, we have ran to see his brother, who knows him throughout the US, we just ran and he laughed, then we cry, was the kind of innocence to brother laugh, laughter has been drifting away from the top of the hill......

his is really a meaningful day, thanks to the ingming estival!

清明节英文精选作文(二) 中文:




许多亲戚都来了,他们都很诚心地拜祭,每个人都忙着打扫坟墓。 见到了许多亲戚朋友,他们非常热情,然后我们大家买好了东西,一起去祭奠我们的先祖去了……



想今天的一天将会催促我好好学习,天天向上。 英文:

oday is an unforgettable "ingming estival". oday, we are going to sacrifice our own ancestors, sit on our own car and start out together.

he weather is still good. n the way, the car can really much, heavy traffic, only to see the car, rarely got back in the car, it seems that everyone's goal is the same. any people are not afraid of the weather. hey all express their respect to their ancestors.

o our ancestors, but in paper money, the wind blowing, the smoke is very strong, so and cousin come down below the grassland.

any relatives have come, they are very willing to worship, everyone is busy cleaning the grave.

eeing a lot of relatives and friends, they were very enthusiastic, then we all bought good things and went to sacrifice our ancestors to...

fter the return of the ingming ancestor's ancestor, think must study well and fight for the ancestors. think one day this day will urge me to study well and go up all day.

