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精品文档 用心整理 Unit 1 It smells delicious



smells/tastes/feels/looks/sounds…,并在此基础上学会一些描述人长相和性格的表达方式,包括句式和一些形容词。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。 二、教学目标:



feel,sound,look- - - 掌握句子的系表结构:link verb + adj.



3.会运用含有系动词的句子来表达自己的感觉。 情感目标:培养学生热爱生活、关注生活和事物的情感 三、教学重难点


的表达方式。句式:sb/sth feels/smells/sounds/looks/tastes… 难点: link verb + adj, What’s she like? What does she look like?的区别 四、教学过程 (一) 听前说

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精品文档 用心整理

1 导入句型,操练句型

利用学生已有的学习知识,引领学生由生活走入教材,问学生: What food do you like ? Why do you like it? - - -

导出已学系动词be + adj.的用法,如It is delicious/sweet- - 等,然后告诉同学们这个句型也可以用感官动词来表达It tastes delicious /sweet,- - - 导出表感知觉的系动词的用法,并进行操练。

2 导出新词,词句结合

教师出示一张party的图片,就上面丰盛的食物及个人特征展开提问: Do you like bread/chocolate/- -? Why? What do you think of the

fish/music- - 等等。导出本节课中有关感知觉的单词, smelltaste sound sour - - - . 然后通过齐读、自读、小组读的方式进行学习。再让学生利用这些新单词,通过“Practice in pairs”的形式进行问答,练习系动词的用法。 It smells/ tastes/ sounds - - - .

3 小组活动,初步运用

Party场景为主话题,小组成员可适当设置情境,表达对各种食物及其他东西的感受。反馈学生对句型的掌握情况。 (二) 、听中说


对课本Activity1我设计了两次听来完成:Listen and number the pictures.

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(1)完成课本Activity2 Match the sentences with the pictures.通过听力任务的完成,学生再次巩固了系动词的用法.

(2)将听力素材设置成说的练习,让学生以问答的形式继续练习,进一步掌握单词和句型。 (三)

Listen and read是对本单元知识点的综合运用。 1、听

听两次,Match the things/persons with the descriptions. Things/person Pizza cheese

Chocolate cookies Sweater Betty and lingling Sally


一读, 找出对话素材中含有表感知觉系动词的句子,并进行诵读,进一步突破本节课的重点,特别强调:

系动词be/look/taste/feel/sound/smell + adj.

二读,处理对话中的疑难点,小组合作解决,教师精讲,突破难点。如:introduce 用法

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a) Soft and comfortable b) delicious c) sweet d) pretty e) not fresh f) smart

精品文档 用心整理

三读, 听读,注意发音 3、说

整体把握对话,以小组形式展示学习效果。 小组合作,复述对话。 (四) 学以致用(Do a survey

Work in groups. Discuss about the things. Say why you like or don’t like them.

“flowers ,ice cream, jeans, roast duck, silk shirts, your bed ” name

Do you like - -


(五) Homework

Unit 2 教学设计

Step 1.Warm up

When do you feel nervous? Step 2.Check the words. Step 3.lood and say What does he look like? Step 4.Lead in

Lingling received a message,do you want to who wrote it?Let’s watch a video and answer the two questions. 1. Who wrote the email? 2. Where will Sally go?

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Step 5.Read the message quickly and match the headings with the paragraphs.

a) What are your hobbies?

b) How do you feel about coming to China? c) What do you look like?

Step 6.Read para1 carefully and find the following phrases. 1.……感谢 2.收到某人的来信 3.迫不及待干某事

Step 7.Read para 2 and find who is Sally. 1.How to describe a person? 2.Play a game

Step 8.Read para 3and answer the questions. 1. What are Sally’s hobbies? 2. Who is Sally proud of?

课题 主备人

Module 2 unit 1




八年级英语时间 备课组

学习目标 知识技能:1. 能听懂所学的现在完成时所作的口头陈述、询问及其回答的

听力材料。2. 能用语言简单介绍自己的生活经历。 过程方法:自主互助与合作学习。

3. 情感目标:通过学习Tony Lingling对自己比赛的描述学会用英语描述并描写自己的生活经历。


教具和教多媒体教学 学手段

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导入:Do you like travelling?

Where did you go? How did you go?

Step1: Now Lingling and Betty are talking about their experiences. Now let`s listen and number the words as hear them.

Step2:Now Listen again and choose the correct answer

1. Lingling has visited / hasn’t ever visited the US. 2. Betty has asked / hasn’t asked her parents.

3. Lingling has travelled / hasn’t travelled by plane. Step3: Look at the pictures and discuss them :

What’s this picture about?

Did you enter the speaking competition before?

Are you interested in the speaking competition? Step4: Read

Now Lingling and Tony are talking about the completion. Now let`s read and answer the questions:

1. What is Lingling entering?

2. Who is going to enter the writing competition?

Now read again and check what lingling and Tony have or have not done.





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has won some prizes.

has always wanted to go on a dream holiday.


has entered lots of speaking competitions.

has won some prizes. has travelled a lot.

According the table. Work in pairs ask and answer questions about what Lingling and Thave or have not done.

Name Lingling

has won some prizes.

has always wanted to go on a dream holiday.


has entered lots of speaking competitions.

has won some prizes. has travelled a lot.




For example:

Has Lingling ever won any prizes before? —No, she hasn’t.

Has Tony entered lots of speaking competitions? Yes, he has.

Ask and answer about yourself with your partner. Have you ever visited …?

Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. I’ve …

Step5: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. afford competition dream invite pity prize

1.Her _______ was to study at a good university one day. 2. When I was in school, I won many ______ for my writing.

3. You must enter the music ___________! You will beat everybody. 4. My family cannot ______ to buy a ticket for the match.

5. It is a(n) _____ that you did not come to see the film with us.

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6. John ________ his new friends to his birthday party last week. Step6: Exercise

1. visit -- _______ 2. ask -- ______ 3. travel -- _______ 4. enter -- _______ 5. help -- _______ 6. win -- _____ 7. want -- _______ 8. stop -- _______ 9. think -- _______ 10. hope -- ______ 11. invite -- _______ 12. call -- _______ 二、选择题

1. Linging ______ written a story about the competition. A. have B. has C. is 2. I have ______ lots of speaking competitions, but I lost. A. helped B. stopped C. entered 3. I want to buy a new bike, but I can’t _____ it.

A. afford B. travel C. dream

4. Li Ming joined the writing competition and won the _______ prize. A. one B. first C. two 5. Is James at home?

No, he ____ Ya’an to be a volunteer.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. is going to 6. Jack, I haven’t seen your uncle for a long time.

He ____ Shanghai on business for two months. A. went to B. has gone to C. has been in D. has been to

7. Anna, have you _____ seen China’s Got Talent (达人秀)? Of course. I ____ it last weekend.

A. never; saw B. ever; have seen C. never; have seen D. ever; saw 8. Hello, may I speak to Miss Wang?

Sorry, she isn’t in. She _____ the office. A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been away Step 7: Homework:


Unit 2教学设计


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不同语言,结识了很多朋友。现在快回美国了他们心里非常高兴。 课时教学目标:知识目标:掌握重点单词和短语,灵活运用重点句型。

技能目标:初步感知和运用现在完成时(1)能读懂含有现在完成时谈论经历的文章;(2)能够从中获取关键信息;(3)能根据给定信息和关键词向他人介绍旅游经历。 情感目标:关注中西方的自然环境与文化,培养热爱大自然的情操。 教学重点与难点



教学辅助 教学方法


教师活动 PPT,白板 PWP,小组合作




Step 1: Dictation 师:出示单词,小组不同层次的同根据我校的实际情况,这一步是为了检


Step 2: Free Talk



Step 3: Fast Reading Read and Match 让学生了解段落大意,对文章有个总体的概括和了解。

Step 4Careful Reading 要求学生分段细读文章 通过细读了解文章的信息,获取文章息。

Step 5Complete with 渗透做题技巧 the correct form. Step 6:Summary




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Step 7Writing




1.Interview your partner, write down 巩固所学知识 his/her experience.

2.Search some famous people’s experiences on the Internet.

Module 2 Experiences

Unit 3 Language in use (Travel Experience)


1. 知识目标:掌握现在完成时的用法

2. 能力目标:能运用现在完成时正确询问他人并描写个人经历

3. 情感目标:通过了解不同地理环境和风景名胜,培养对祖国和家乡的热爱之


Task 1: Let's play relay in sentence making !(句子接龙) Have you ever...?

1. cook dinner for your parents 2. have a Western meal 3. live in another city

4. enter a singing competition 5. travel by train 6. travel to the seaside 7. try seaside

Task 2: Listening (一听)

People China The US

Winnie Diana Bob

Listen again and choose.(二听)

1. How many times has Winnie been to the US?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 2. Which part of China has Diana travelled around?

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A. South of China. B. North of China. C. East of China.

3. Has Bob ever visited Germany?

A. Yes,he has. B.No, he hasn’t. Task 3:

My travel experience in Qingdao

Qingdao is in the east of China. It's famous for its beautiful scenic spots(景点) so many travellers come to visit it every year.

But for me, I have been to Qingdao twice. I have been to the Undersea World. There were many kinds of marine animals(海洋生物)such as, sharks and doplines.I have also been to the trestle bridge(栈桥). On the bridge, I saw the blue sea and seagulls(海鸥).What's more, I have taken lots of photos.

I hope I will go there one day. 1.观察三段的时态有什么不同。

2.分别在三段中找出能够看出时态的动词。(用黑笔画出) 3.找出词组和从句。(用红笔画出) Task 4:

Your Travel Experience


1. 北京在中国的北方,每年有很多很多游客来北京旅游; 2. 来过北京多次,跑遍了北京;

3. 爬过长城,到过颐和园(the Summer Palace) 和故宫(the Palace Museum); 4. 拍下了很多照片,与外国人用英语交流过。

My Travel experience in Beijing

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、Homework

1. Finish the exercises on the book. (必做)

2. Share your travel experience with your classmates. (选做)

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Listening and speaking



目标 2. To understand the conversation about the space mission to Mars.

1. To understand Present perfect with already, just and yet.

3. To understand the difference between have been to and have gone to.

教学重难 教具准备

1. Key vocabulary: earth, moon, news, planet, reach, yet, just, model, space

project, no problem, latest, on, discover, astronaut, space trav

2. Key structures: Present perfect with already, just and yet.


Step 1 Lead-in

1. Word map construction

Show students a video about humans landing on the moon, and ask students to say out the things they see. Help students to answer: astronauts, spacecraft, the moon and so on. Then ask students to work in groups of four. Try to think

out more related words like: earth, scientists, stars, space shuttle, sun, planet, universe, space station, air, space and so on.

(设计说明:这个环节的设置旨在培养学生的自主学习、合作学习与发散思维的能力。学生在观看录像之后,说出已知的单词,并尝试联想相关词汇。学生通过合作探究,自学新的知识,若在反馈中出现错误,老师可适当纠正。这些都为下面的听力环节解决了语言上可能出现的困难。) 2. Ask students to answer some questions about this video. . How did the astronauts go to the moon?

. How many spacecrafts has America sent to the moon by now? . Have they discovered life on the moon? . Have the scientists sent spacecrafts to Mars yet? . Have they discovered life on Mars yet?


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的引出该堂课的重点句型:Have they …yet? Yes, they have just / already…. 作查找出来

变了由老师No, not yet. / No, they haven’t yet.


Step 2 Listening (Activities 1 & 2) 单词教学的

式。 1. Tell students to listen to a piece of news about the travel mission to Mars

and find the answer to the question “Have they discovered life on Mars yet?”

and finish Activity 1: Listen and number the words as you hear them.

2. Listen again and finish Activity 2: Check the true sentences.

Step 3 Listening and reading (Activities 3, 4, 5)

1. Tell students Da Ming’s friend Tony has made a model of a space station,

and now they are talking about the model. Ask students to listen and read the

dialogues, then try to answer three questions: . Has the spacecraft to Mars

arrived yet?

设计说明: . Have many astronauts been to the moon recently?


. How do the astronauts go back to the earth from the space 力训练,是



2. Ask students to read the dialogue again and finish Activities 4 and 5. 内容对火星

计划作了简3. Students read after the tape and then act out the dialogue.


(设计说明:通过这一环节的学习,学生们对火星探索计划的了解更为透更好的理解彻了。而朗读与表演对话则能使教学内容得到进一步的巩固与提高。) 环节中的对


Step 4 Tasks (Activity 6)

1. Show students a video and some pictures of space stations, and introduce

the basic structures of a space station. Then ask students to discuss in groups

of four to find the differences between the life on earth and the life at a space

station. They may use “We can… but we can’t….”




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培养。另外,这个活动还为下一活动的开展作了较好的铺垫。) 2. Information gap

Ask students to suppose: one of the classmates is an astronaut in a space station, now he is talking to his son / daughter through TV about what they two have done recently. Then tell students to work in pairs and finish the sheets. (表格见附录 Page7Page8 ) Step 5 Writing competition (Activities 8 & 9)

Show students the photos of Chinese famous astronauts Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haishen. Ask students to talk in groups of four about what we Chinese have already done about the space travel and what we haven’t done yet. First, students work by themselves in three minutes, then share his / her ideas with the workmates in three minutes, finally the groups show their ideas before the whole class. The one who has the longest list will win the competition.

(设计说明:本环节的活动是上一环节活动的延续。以航空为话题强化学生对现在完成时的运用能力。在活动中将学生自主学习与小组合作活动相结合,旨在培养学生独立自主的学习能力及分享观点,相互协作的能力。 Step 6 Homework

1. Pronunciation and speaking. (Activity 7)

2. Search the Internet, and try to find some materials about the nine planets of the sun.

3. Finish workbook Page 120 Exercises 2 & 5



On today’s news, Tony has heard that scientists have (1) _________ a spacesh


Mars and it has (2) ________ on the (3) _________ after a journey of se

months from the earth. Scientists have not (4) _________ life on Mars (5) _____And no astronaut has ever been to Mars because it is very far away.

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Unit2 We have not found life on any other planets.




1. Structure: Present perfect with already, just and yet.

2. To understand the difference between have been to and have gone to

教学辅助 教学方法

教学内容 Step 1:

Tape recorder, OHP, video PWP approach


教师活动 Warming up

Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1.Show some pictures.

Step 2:

Work in pairs

Enjoy News Report. Show



设计意图 复习与导入,引起学生兴趣

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some pictures to talk about something about Shenzhuo -9 Ask the students to look at the picture in Activity 1. Shenzhou-9 is a manned spaceship.

Step 3:


Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully.Choose the best title for it.

Ask the students to read through the passage.Read the text together.

Step 4

Read quickly

Ask the students to read 锻炼阅读能力


paragraph1,and fill in blanks


Step 5

Read carefully

Ask the students to read paragraph2 and 3 check (√ ) the true sentence.



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Read in silence

Ask the students to read paragraph4and 5 ,answer the questions.



Complete the passage.


Ask the students to read 培养学生阅读 through the passage in Activity



passage with the words and expression in the box.Check with a partner

家庭作业:Making a poster about space travel. 板书设计: Module 3 Unit 2 1. Grammer and language points 2.New words and phrases.


第三课时教学设计 Unit 3 Language in use.

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1. 体验课文经典例句,进一步感知现在完成时的用法。

2. 明确一般过去时与现在完成时的区别;熟知并运用现 在完成时的标志词并熟练运用。 3. 学以致用,完成相应练习。

教学重点与难点 教学辅助 教学方法

现在完成时的标志词:yet, already等的用法。 Tape recorder, OHP, handouts



教学内容 Step 1:

教师活动 Revision

Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2

Step 2:

Language practice 1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the


设计意图 对本模块所学词汇进行巩固,并尽快让学生回想起模块内容。 复习


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whole class. 2.Translate them.

Step 3:

1. Grammar

在现在完成时的句子中,already(已经)just(已刚刚)常用于肯定句,放在havehas的后面,yet(还、尚、仍然)常用于否定句和疑问句,(放在havehas的后面也可放在句末) 2. Complete the news with already, just and yet. 3. Ask the students to check with a partner. 4. Check the answers:

Step 4:




1. Grammar: have/has been 让学生进一步


tohave/has gone to的区别

been to

2 Ask the students to look at

have/has gone tothese sentences in Activity 2. 的区别 3. Now choose the correct answer.

4. Ask the students to check

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with a partner. 5. Check the answers:


Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

have/has been tohave/has gone to的用法进行巩固练习,

1. Ask the students to read 加深学生对它through the expressions in 们用法的理解。 the box in Activity 3. have / has been have/ /has gone

2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 3.

3. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

4. Check with a partner. 5. Call back the answers from the whole class.


Complete the


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1. Ask the students to read through the conversation. 2. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

3. Ask the students to check with a partner. 4. Check the answers: 5. Read the conversation together.

6. Work in pairs. Role play the conversation in Activity 4.


Complete the email. 1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 6.

2. Ask the students to read through the email in Activity 6.

3. Complete the passage with

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the words in the box. 4. Check with a partner. 5. Call back the answers from the whole class.


Listening practice. 1. Ask the students to read 7.

2. Play the tape.

3. Listen and complete the notes.

4. Ask the students to check with a partner. 5. Check the answers:


1. Ask the students to read 通过本活动让


through the words and


expressions in Activity 8.

习中的作用。 2. Complete the word map with





through the notes in Activity 其是数字。

expressions in the box. 3. Ask the students to check with a partner.

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4. Check the answers: 5. Now add more words about space to the word map and write five sentences.


1. Ask the students to read 考查学生的理


the words in the box in


Activity 9.

中国重要成就2. Ask the students to read 的了解。 through the passage in Activity 9.

3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

4. Check with a partner. 5. Call back the answers from the whole class.

6. Read the passage together.


Around the world: Names 让学生了解天


of the days of the week


1. Ask the students to look at

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the picture and discuss what they can see. 2.




information with the whole class.

3. Talk something about “Names of the days of the week”.

家庭作业:1.完成Module task

2.做互动Module3自我检测题 板书设计:

Module 3 Journey to space Unit 3 1. I’ve just made a model spaceship. 2. Has it arrived yet?

3. Astronauts have already been to the moon. 4. we have not found life on any other planets yet.



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一、 语法方面

虽然目前英语教学淡化语法的地位,但在实际操作过程中,这一部分不可或缺。在本单元中,首次出现了现在完成进行时的用法。1)现在完成时态的含义(2)现在完成时态的结构 3现在完成时态中的常见副词 (4) 常与现在完成时态搭配的时间状 等几个方面着重讲解,效果非常好。后来在进行课文教学部分时,事实证明对教材内容的补充,特别是语法方面的补充,极大地帮助了学生对课文内容的理解,并在课后练习时对时态的运用也轻松很多。目前学生在进行阅读训练时,常常会碰到这种时态,解决了这个问题,也帮助他们阅读分析短文,事半功倍。 二、 口语交际方面

在平时的教学中,我十分重视听说训练,尝试让学生在口语运用中学会表达他们的个人意见,抒发个人情感。这与学生的个人生活息息相关,只要引导得当,极易激发学生的兴趣,开展关于这一话题的讨论。 三、分层方面。

1. 通过这样的学习分层, 可以最大限度地照顾全体学生, 让每一位同学都有一个学习目标。在分层教学中,掌握学生现有的认知水平, 做到有的放矢, 发挥每一位学生的能动性,实现有效的教学。



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Module 4 Seeing the doctor

Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer. 【教学目标】 Knowledge objective:

1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache, stomachache, toothache, ill, this, since, cold, catch a cold,

take sb’s temperature, fast food, health, take 2. 现在完成时中for短语和since短语的使用。 Ability objective:

能描述自己和他人的看病经历;能编写关于看病的对话。 Moral objective:

学会倾听他人的看病经历,理解他人的喜怒哀乐;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Lead-in

Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions. Step 2 Consolidate new words

Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.

Step 3 Match the words in the box with the pictures.

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1. Look at the words first.

2. Choose the right word for each picture. Step 4 Listening

1. Listen to Part 2 and check what’s wrong with Betty and Daming.




stomachactoothache he

Betty Daming

2. Listen to Part 3 and answer the two questions: 1) Have Daming got a cold?

2) What kind of food does Daming usually eat? Step 5 Reading

1. Please find out sentences which have for or since in the dialogue. 2. Now complete the table about Daming. Illness How long Why What to do

Step 6 Read loudly and underline the phases . 1. Read the passage loudly.

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2. Try to remember the phrases.. Step 8 Acting Work in groups.

Act out a conversation between a doctor and patients. 【能力提升】

1. —What’s wrong with you? —I’ve ____ a headache.

A. get B. got C. had 2. Has the doctor _____ your temperature? Yes, he has.

A. do B. take C. took 3. Doing much ____ is good for your health.

A. food B. cold C. exercise 4. Have you caught a _______? Yes, I have. I cough now.

A. fever B. cold C. toothache 【中考链接】

1. Reading in the sun is your eyes. A. harmful to B. harm for C. harmful for

D. harm to

2. I can’t hear you clearly because there is A. too many

B. too much

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D. have D. taken D. computer D. cough noise here.
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C. much too

D. many too

3. How long have you studied here?

about 5 years my family moved to the city. A. Since; for C. For; for

B. For; since D. Since; since

4. Please stop and tell me what’s wrong. A. cry B. to cry 5. Have they had breakfast? . Look! How hungry they are! A. I don’t think so C. I think so

Homework编写一个医生和病人之间的一个对话,包括以下要点: feel ill, catch a cold, take one’s temperature, do much exercise, give some medicine

Module 4 Seeing the doctor Unit 2 We have played football

for a year now.


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C. cried D. crying

B. I’m afraid so

D. I hope so

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1.知识目标: 熟练掌握本单元单词、短语: well, heart, active ,pet , member, take part in , then, daily weak.

2.能力目标:能读懂有关健康生活话题的文章;能写健康生活的文章。 3.情感目标:养成健康生活的好习惯。 教学过程

一、Review the wordsread and write

1._____________ _ 2. ______________

3.宠物______________ 4.成员,队员______________ 5.健康状况良好__________ 6.困倦的,欲睡的___________ 7.日常的______________ 8.虚弱的______________ 9.



____________________ 二、Reading practice I. Fast teading

Finish Activity 2 and say out the key words.

Paragraph1 ________________ Paragraph 2_________________ Paragraph 3_________________Paragraph4_________________ II. Detail reading: (I) Finish Acitivity 3

(II)Read again and answer the questions

How do they keep healthy?(You can use your own words)

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1. Anna ________________________________________________ 2. Wang Fei _____________________________________________ 3. Thomas _______________________________________________ 4. Richard _______________________________________________ 三、Try to understand the passage with the help of the following notes. 1. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. by doing sth.表示通过某神方式

eg: You can do your shopping at home. 通过上网你就可以在家里购物了。

take the dog for a walk = walk the dog 遛狗

2. She is in excellent condition too. 她的身体状况也很好。 in excellent condition in condition 表示康状况很好 egDo exercise every day and you will be back ______________soon.

每天锻炼身体,你很快就会恢复健康 的。 out of condition则指健康状况不佳

egThe horse is still condition after a serious illness.

这匹马生了一场大病,目前健康状况仍然不佳 3. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise. too…to… 表否定含义,表示……而不能

eg: My brother is too young to go to school. 我弟弟年龄太小,不能上学。

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We walk _______get there on time. 我们走得太慢,不能按时到达那儿

never/not too …to…”意思是不太……所以能……” eg: Never too old to learn. 活到老学到老。

It’s never too late to stop smoking. 戒烟何时都不算晚。

四、读后写——Activity 5

Write four sentences to describe what happened.






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当堂检测 I. 单项选择:

( )1. How long ______ you _______ this dog? A. did; buy B. have; bought C. have: had ( )2. He _______ ill since last night.

A. have been B. has been C. was ( )3. You should _______ your temperature. A. take B. have C. make ( )4. The old man is too old ______ a car. A. drives B. driving C. to drive ( )5. Could you give me ________


A. any advices B. some advice C. an advice II.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空: 1. I ____________(play) football for a year.

2. We started a _____________(girl) basketball team last year. 3. His father is very weak after a long ___________(ill).

4. I always feel ___________(sleep) and I can’t listen to the teacher carefully.

5. Walking to work is my _________(day) exercise now.. III.根据中文提示完成句子。

1. I arrive at work

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2. 跑步已经成为我生活的一部分。Running ____________________ of my life.

3. 我每天锻炼,身体状况非常好。 I









___________________________. 4. 我每天骑车去上班。

I ___________________________every day. 5. 我通过每天跑步锻炼。

I get exercise __________________ every day. (五)作业

Write a passage about your own lifestyle.

Do you think it is healthy? How can you be healthier?


2.能正确运用现在完成时描述已经发生的事情,正确运用already, just, yet. 3.能区分have gone have been 的用法。 4.能够正确使用for since 时间状语。

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M4U3 Language in use



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一、自学: 含义:

结构: 肯定句: 否定句: 一般疑问句: 时间状语: 二.过关检测 一)基础关过关检测 一、单项选择

( )1. Have you ever seen the TV play? ____. Is it interesting?

A. No, I don’t B. Yes, I do C. No, I haven’t D. Yes, I have ( )2. ____ you ever ____ Disneyland in Los Angeles? No, never.

A. Did, visit B. Are, visiting C. Have, visited D. Will, visit ( )3. Have you ______ spoken to a foreigner?

A. still B. already C. ever D. yet

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二)能力关1 sincefor的区别 since后接时间点,for后接一段时间, 1. Jim has been in Ireland ______ Monday. 2. Jill has been in Ireland ______ three days. 3. His aunt has lived in Australia ______15 days.

4. Mary is in her office. She has been there ______ 7 o'clock. 5. India has been an independent country ______1974.

能力关2have(has) gone to, have(has) been to, have(has) been in 观察下列句子,并翻译 1He has gone to Shanghai. 2He has been to Shanghai.

3He has been in Shanghai for three days. Make a summary 词组 have gone to have been to have been in 能力达标

1. Jane has _____ to Beijing. She will come back tomorrow. A. been B. never been C. went D. gone

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just, ever, never since, for, how long

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2. Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black? -- Sorry. He ______ the Bainiao Park. A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to

D. will go to

3. --____ you ever ____ to the US? -- Yes, twice.

A. Have, gone B. Have, been C, Do, go D. were, going 能力关3:延续性动词与非延续性(瞬间)动词的转化 Work in groups: 观察下列句子并判断正误 Her grandmother has died for ten years. Betty has already bought this book since 2010.

瞬间动词:如buydieborrow等。又叫非延续性动词,它可以有现在完成时态,但不能与for\since 等表示一段时间的状语连用;如果要用,就必须把它转换成相应的延续性动词。 buyhave; diebe dead; borrowkeep --OhMrsking, your dress looks nice Is it new? --NoI_____ it since two years ago.

Ahad Bhave had Cbought Dhave bought ( )2--Jeff borrowed a history book from his friend --He____it for a week

Ahas borrowed B.has lent C.has kept Dlend

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( )3. How long ______ his grandfather __________? A. have; been dead B. has ; died C. has; been died D. has ;been dead 三)能力关过关检测 一、单项选择

David has _______ China for five years.

A. been to B. come to C. arrived in D. been in 2. --Is that Jack speaking?

--Sorry, he isn’t in right now. He _______ the cinema with his aunt. A. has been to B. has gone to C. have been to D. have gone to 二、翻译句子

1.他自从1998年就住在这里。He _____ ______ there ______ 1998. 2. 我爸爸已经在这儿工作了20年。

My father ____ _____ there _____ 20 years. 3.Tom已经买了这本书两周了。

Tom ____ _____ this book _____ two weeks ______. 教师呈现答案,对桌交换互批。 三、互帮

1. 组长组织,组内有序发言,提出自己的疑问,其他组员解答; 2. 书记员记录下本组的疑问;

3. 教师巡视课堂,及时帮助有需要的学生。

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四、释疑 五、学以致用

So if you can save(节省) some money and send the money to them, you may help them go back to school again. Come on ,class. Volunteers Fair志愿者现场招聘会\ Name Age Which school Hometown How long

study English be



school student live in Weifang know Hope

Work in groups(3人为考官轮流提问,1人为志愿者进行作答) 课后反

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八年级英语()3单元第1课时 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

Section A 1a2d


1. 学习并掌握下列单词:

rubbish; fold; sweep(swept); floor; mess 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:

do the dishes; take out the rubbish; fold your clothes; sweepmake your bed; clean the living room; get a ride; 3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

1) Could you please sweep the floor? Yes, sure. 2) Can you do the dishes?

3) Could you please do them? No problem. 4) I’m going to clean the living room.

5) Could I use your computer? —Sorry. I’m going to wnow.

6) Could I watch TV? Yes, you can, but first you hav

教学重点 教学难点 教学方法



your room.

7) Could you please help out with a few things? 8) Could I at least finish watching this show?

9) Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the


通过本课的学习,能够谈论如何征求许可以及如何进行礼的方式,学会关心社会,帮助他人。 谈论如何征求许可以及如何进行礼貌地请求

正确使用本课常用表达;听力训练。 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 师生活动

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I. 的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。



chore dish sweep trash fold meeting do the

准备 dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, work on the

computer, stay out late, get a ride师生先共同批改黑板上的,然后小组内互批互改,组长报告结果。 3Revision “复习检查 Revise and learn some words:


1. Learning tasks“示标定向出示这节课的三维学习 目标。 II. 1) 学习并掌握下列单词:

Preserubbish; fold; sweep(swept); floor; mess ntatio

2) 能正确使用以下常用表达:


do the dishes; take out the rubbish; fold your

呈现 clothes; sweep the floor; make your bed; clean the

living room; get a ride;

3) 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

(1) Could you please sweep the floor? Yes, sure.

(2) Can you do the dishes?

(3) Could you please do them? No problem. (4) I’m going to clean the living room. (5) Could I use your computer? —Sorry. I’m going to work on it now. (6) Could I watch TV?

Yes, you can, but first you have to clean your room.

(7) Could you please help out with a few things? (8) Could I at least finish watching this show?

(9) Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes?

2. Leading-in“导入新课

(1) Learn some words and expressions about the chores:

T: This class we talk about the chores. What chores do you know?

竞赛游戏:学生四人一组讨论,一名代表回答,看那组的最多为胜者,加以鼓励。教师将所涉及到的短语展示在屏幕或黑板上,带领学生读两遍。如: do the dishes; take out the rubbish; fold your clothes; sweep the floor; make your bed; clean the living room; get a ride.

(2) Make some conversations with the phrases above..

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T: Can you do the dishes? Ss: Yes, I can . T: Could you please do the dishes? Ss: …. 以这种句型练习多个短语,让学生体验情态动词cancould的用法区别。

III. Practice 1. 机械操练 (Mechanical Drills)

操练 1) 1a First read and translate the phrases. Then work

in pairs. Discuss with your partner.

Do you ______________at home? —Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

可以带入这些短语:1 do the dishes, 2 sweep the floor ,3 take out the trash, 4 make your bed, 5 fold your clothes, 6 clean the living room 2. 有意义操练 (Meaningful Drills)

1b Now let’s go to Peter’s house. And listen to what Peter and his mother do.

Chores Peter’


do the dishes M sweep the floor M take out the trash

make the bed fold the clothes clean the M

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living room

Listen to the tape and fill in the chart . Check up the answers. Listen and repeat.

Last according to the chart describe the chores that Peter and Peter’s mother do. 1c Pairwork

Look at the picture above. Ask your partner to do the chores that you see.

A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure.

这时,在体验和练习的基础上,让学生看本单元的语言目标:礼貌的请求和申请许可,能有所理解。 3. 交际性操练 (Communicative Drills)

Make their own conversations about the chores, and then share their new conversations. A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes?

A: Well, could you please do them? I’m going to clean the living room. B: No problem. Listening practice: 1. 2a IV.

First get the students to look through the pictures and Consolidation

try to conjecture what they’ll hear. 巩固

Then get them to listen and check yes or no.. Share their answers. 2. 2b

Give the students 20 seconds to prepare for listening. Listen again. Why does Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a. Share their answers.

V. 1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、方法,并对 Examination 合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所

检测 获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在


Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt. 1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences

2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。

VI. 1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 编对话, 背笔记。 Assignme2. 书面作业: nt Remember the new words of 1a-2d. 作业 Finish off the exercises.

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Preview the new words of 3a-3c.


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section A 1a2d


Section A 3a4c

一、【教材分析】 1.学习并掌握新词汇: throw; all the time; neither; shirt; pass; borrow; lend; finger; hate;


2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:

throw down; come over; all the tome; help out; shout back; in surprise;

neither of us; as soon as; pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.; borrow sth.

from sb.; lend sb. sth.; hate to do sth. 3. 学会使用以下句型:

1) Why was Nancy’s mom angry with Nancy?

2) You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house. 3) I can’t work all day and do housework all evening. 4) I’m just as tired as you.

5) My mom did not say anything and walked away. 6) Neither of us did any house work for a week. 7) Could I borrow that book?

8) Could you lend me some money? 通过阅读训练,培养学生的良好的阅读理解能力,同时使学生在 理解故事情节的基础上对文章进行进一步的解读,以实现对学生进行有利的情感教育的目的。



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教学重点 重点词汇、常用表达及句型。 教学难点 在理解故事情节的基础上对文章进行进一步的解读。 教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】

环节 师生活动 二次备课 课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据 I. 学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。

1. Free talk “自由交际


1) Make conversations to talk about the


chores. e.g.:

—I’m very busy. Could you please help me out with a few things?

Could I finish watching the show? No. Could you please take out the rubbish?

So much?

Could you please…?

2) Role play the conversation.(2d) 2. Revision “复习检查

通过检查上节课布置的作业落实作业完成情况,进而为新课的导入铺路搭桥。 通过检查学案新知预习内容检查预习效果,

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1. Learning tasks“示标定向 1) 学习并掌握新词汇:

Presentation 呈现

throw; all the time; neither; shirt; pass; borrow; lend; finger; hate; while 2) 能正确使用以下常用表达:

throw down; come over; all the tome; help out; shout back; in surprise; neither of us; as soon as; pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.; borrow sth. from sb.; lend sb. sth.; hate to do sth.

3) 学会使用以下句型:

(1) Why was Nancy’s mom angry with Nancy?

(2) You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house.

(3) I can’t work all day and do housework all evening.

(4) I’m just as tired as you.

(5) My mom did not say anything and walked away.

(6) Neither of us did any house work for a week.

(7) Could I borrow that book?

(8) Could you lend me some money? 2. Leading-in“导入新课


III. Practice 1. 速读 (Fast Reading)

操练 Read quickly and find the answers to

the questions:

(1) Why was Nancy’s mom angry with Nancy?

(2) Did they solve the problem? How? 2. 精读 (Intensive Reading)

Read the passage carefully and underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.

(1) Neither of us did any housework for a week.

(2) My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.

(3) You’re tired, but I’ tired, too.

Answers: (1) For one week, she did not any housework and neither did I.

(2) The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over.

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(3) I’m just as tired as you are. 3. 朗读 (Loud Reading) 1) Read after the tape twice.

2) Read the passage by themselves, and then give some of them show time.

(4) 使用学案自主探究部分的内容,体验语法以及语言知识点的使用方法。 1. 3c Decide whether the underlined words in the IV.

Consolidation sentences are verbs or nouns. Then write

another sentence using the underlined word 巩固

in the other form. 2. 4a

Write R for requests and P for permissions. Then match each one with the correct response.

Answers: 1.3 P 2. 4. 5 R

1. d 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. b 3. 4b

Fill in the blanks.

4. Make a list of things your group need to do for a camping trip. Then discuss who will do them and complete the chart.

V. 1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、 Examination 方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总

检测 结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经

验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。 Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt.

1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences 2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。

VI. 1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 尝试复述 Assignme课文, 背诵文章中的重点句子,背笔记。 nt 2. 书面作业: 作业 Remember the new words of 3a-3c.

Finish off the exercises. Preview Section B.


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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section A 3a4c


Section B 1a1e

一、【教材分析】 1. 学习并掌握下列单词: snack 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达: buy some drinks and snacks; borrow some money; invite sb. to a party; go to the store; take out the rubbish; make your bed; do the


3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

1) Could you clean your room? Yes, I can.

2) Could I invite my friends to a party?

—No, you can’t have a party. You have a test on Monday.

能从材料中听出有效信息,完成听力任务,并能依据一定的材料信 息,自行组成对话并表演出来。


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本课时的重点词汇和句型。 教学重点

听说读写能力的培养和热爱劳动、帮助他人的良好习惯的培养。 教学难点

教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】

环节 师生活动 二次备课 课前3分钟检查预习情况,并让学生区别 I. snacksnake

1. Revision “复习检查





2. 1a Look at the phrases. Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase.

3. Read and try to remember the phrases. Then write the phrases on the blackboard.


1. Learning tasks“示标定向出示这节课 的三维学习目标。

1) 学习并掌握下列单词:

Presesnack ntatio

2) 能正确使用以下常用表达:


buy some drinks and snacks; borrow some

呈现 money; invite sb. to a party; go to the store;

take out the rubbish; make your bed; do the dishes.

3) 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

(1) Could you clean your room? Yes, I can.

(2) Could I invite my friends to a party? —No, you can’t have a party. You have a test on Monday.

2. Leading-in“导入新课 (1) Play a game:

One student pretends to be the parent, the other pretends to be the child. Use the phrases in 1a to make conversations. First look at the models.

Parent: Could you clean your room? Child: Yes, I can.

Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? Parent: No, you can’t have a party. You have a test on Monday.

Then they can make their own conversations like this.

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III. Practice 1. 机械操练 (Mechanical Drills)

操练 1) Learn to talk about how to ask for one’s


A: Could you please make your bed? B: Yes, I can.

A: Could I use your CD player? B: No, you can’t.

2. 有意义操练 (Meaningful Drills)


情景展示:你要举行一个同学聚会,向你的同学求助,讨论求助的事情如下: go to the store, buy some drinks and snacks, do the dishes,

clean the living room , take out the trash Ask two groups to act out.

3. 交际性操练 (Communicative Drills) Writing

把口头描述的对话写下来,并在回答时适当发挥理由。 Listening practice: 1. 1c IV.

T: Now let’s listen to Sandy and Sandy’s Consolidation

mom .Listen and check the things in 1a that

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you hear .Play the recorder. Check up the answers:

1.buy some drinks and snacks

2.borrow some money 3.clean your room

4.invite my friends to a party

5.go to the store 6. use your CD player Share their answers. 2. Listen again.

What is Sandy’s mom going to do? What is Sandy going to do?

What are Sandy and Dave going to do? Fill in the chart. Who What

Sandy’s mom buy some drinks and


Sandy invite her friends, borrow

some money,

clean her room, use the CD player

Sandy and move the good chairs, Dave clean the living room 3. Check up the answers.

4. Listen and repeat. Then read by themselves.

5. Language knowledge:“ (1) invite 名词为 invitation

常用于如下结构:invite sb. to do sth.意为邀请某人去做某事

invite sb. to+地点 意为邀请某人到某地

eg: Are you going to invite Daming to take part in the meeting.


He invited me to his house for his birthday party.

他邀请我到他家里参加他的生日聚会。 Share their answers.

1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、 方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。 Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt.

1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences 2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互

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1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 编对话, 背笔记。

2. 书面作业:

Finish off the exercises.

Preview the new words of 2a-2e.


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B 1a1e


Section B 2a2e

一、【教材分析】 1.学习并掌握新词汇: chore; stress; waste; in order to; provide; anyway; depend; develop;

fairness; fair; since; neighbor; ill; drop; independence;


2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:

A waste of time; there’s no need for… to; provide sth. for sb.; mind

doing sth; do one’s part in doing sth.; in order to do sth; depend on ; take care of; fall ill; the earlier… the better… 3. 学会使用以下句型:

1) They don’t have time to study and do housework.

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2) They should spend time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.

3) It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.

4) It’s not enough to just get good grades at school.

5) … that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. 6) The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.




教学重点 重点词汇、常用表达及句型。 教学难点 在理解两封信的基础上对文章进行进一步的解读。 教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】

环节 师生活动 二次备课 课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据 I. 学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。

1. Free talk “自由交际


1) Make conversations like this:


Could you please do sth.? Yes, I can.

Could I do sth.? —Sorry, you can’t.

2) Role play the conversation.(1e) 2. Revision “复习检查

通过检查上节课布置的作业落实作业完成情况,进而为新课的导入铺路搭桥。 通过检查学案新知预习内容检查预习效果,

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Presentation 呈现

1. Learning tasks“示标定向 1) 学习并掌握新词汇:

chore; stress; waste; in order to; provide; anyway; depend; develop; fairness; fair; since; neighbor; ill; drop; independence; independent;

2) 能正确使用以下常用表达:

A waste of time; there’s no need for… to; provide sth. for sb.; mind doing sth; do one’s part in doing sth.; in order to do sth; depend on ; take care of; fall ill; the

earlier… the better… 3) 学会使用以下句型:

(1) They don’t have time to study and do housework.

(2) They should spend time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.

(3) It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.

(4) It’s not enough to just get good grades at school.

(5) … that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.

(6) The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. 2. Leading-in“导入新课

(1) Talk about whether they should help their parents do chores.

(2) Discuss the questions with your partner, and answer the following questions:

1) What do you often do to help your parents at home?

2) Do you think kids should help out with chores at home?

III. Practice 1. 速读 (Fast Reading)

操练 Skim the two letters. Which one agrees

and which one disagrees?

2. 精读 (Intensive Reading)

Read the two letters carefully and find what are the pros and cons about kids doing chores.

Pros Cons

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Doing chores helps Housework is a to develop waste of children’s children’s time. independence.

Check up the answers. 3. 朗读 (Loud Reading) 1) Read after the tape twice.

2) Read the passage by themselves, and then give some of them show time.

4. 使用学案自主探究部分的内容,体验语法以及语言知识点的使用方法。

1) Kids these days have enough stress from school.现在的孩子拥有来自学校的足够多的心里负担。


例如:He’s too tired because of too much



2They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.他们应该用在学习上取得好成绩考入一个好大学。(教材第22)

spend…on/(in) doing sth,意思为花费……/……”。例如:

他花了十元钱买了这本书。 He spent ten yuan on the book.

He spent ten yuan (in) buying the book. 3) I don’t mind doing them.做他们(家务)不介意。(教材第22) mind是动词,意思为介意后常跟名词、代词或动名词形式。

I don’t mind it.我不介意。

Would you mind turning down the music? 你介意关小音乐吗?

1. Write one sentence with each phrase from

the letter. IV.

a waste of time Consolidation 1)

_____________________________ 巩固

2) there’s no need for… to ______________________ 3) don’t mind _________________________________

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4) spend time on ______________________________ 5) in order to _________________________________ 6) it’s not enough to ___________________________ 7) the earlier… the better _______________________

2. Discuss the questions with a partner. 1) Which letter do you agree with? Why? 2) What would you say to the person who wrote the letter you don’t agree with?

V. 1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、 Examination 方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总

检测 结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经

验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。 Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt.

1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences 2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。

VI. 1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 尝试复述 Assignme课文, 背诵文章重点句子,背笔记。 nt 2. 书面作业: 作业 Remember the new words of 2a-2e.

Finish off the exercises. Preview 3a-Self check..


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B 2a2e


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Section B 3aSelf check

一、【教材分析】 1. 学习并掌握下列单词: fair公平的;反义词是unfair 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达: 1) do chores; it’s fair/unfair for sb to do sth 2) 注意正确搭配下列动词与家务: do; clean; make; fold; sweep; take out 3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

1) I think/ believe/ agree/ disagree that … 2) I think it’s fair/ unfair for children to …

3) Could you take out the rubbish first? Yes, sure./ Sorry, I can’t. I have to …

4) Could I leave now? Yes, you can. 根据教材所提供的提示词语完成一封信,培养学生的写作水平。


教学重点 本单元话题征求对方许可和有礼貌地请求

教学难点 围绕本单元话题征求对方许可和有礼貌地请求展开巩固练习。

教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】

环节 师生活动 二次备课 课前3分钟检查单元复习情况。 I. 1. Revision “复习检查

Revise some words and phrases about

Preparation chores.

准备 do the dishes; take out the rubbish; fold your

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clothes; sweep the floor; make your bed; clean the living room.

2. Make a list of chores using these verbs: Do; clean; make; fold; sweep; take out.

3. Revise the main sentences. Are these polite requests or permissions?

Could you please do your homework? Could I watch TV?

Could you take out the rubbish first? Could I use your computer? Could I leave now?

Could you come back before nine?

4. 通过检查学案新知预习内容检查预习效果。

1. Learning tasks“示标定向出示这节课 的三维学习目标。 II. 1) 1. 学习并掌握下列单词:




2) 能正确使用以下常用表达: n

(1) do chores; it’s fair/unfair for sb to do sth


(2) 注意正确搭配下列动词与家务: do; clean; make; fold; sweep; take out 3) 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式: (1) I think/ believe/ agree/ disagree that ……

(2) I think it’s fair/ unfair for children to …….

(3) Could you take out the rubbish first? —Yes, sure./ Sorry, I can’t. I have to …… (4) Could I leave now? Yes, you can. 2. Have a debate(3a).

Do you think children should do some chores at home? Let them have a debate. A: I think children should do some chores because ...

B: I don’t think children should do some chores because ...

Children should do Children should not some chores do some chores because ... because ...

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III. Practice


1. 机械操练 (Mechanical Drills)

Use the questions in activity 2 to write a conversation.

A: Could you please do your homework? B: Sure, I can.

2. 有意义操练 (Meaningful Drills) Pair work:

Make more conversations like this using other sentences in pairs.

3. 交际性操练 (Communicative Drills) 3b Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.. Dear Sir or Madam, I think / believe that … I agree/ disagree that …

I think it is fair/ unfair for children to … I think children should/ should not…. Because…

For example, they should/ should not… Because… Yours truly, __________

1.做学案 I. 用方框中所给词的适当形式 填空。



答案:1. rubbish 2. bed 3. snacks 4. 巩固

money 5. party

2. 做学案II. 短语互译。

答案:1. take out the rubbish 2. all the time 3. in order to

4. depend on 5. take care of 6. do the dishes

7. sweep the floor 8. fold the clothes 9. clean the living room 10. go out for dinner

3. 做学案III. 单项选择。

答案:1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D

4. 做学案IV. 句型转换。 答案:1. didn’t put 2. Did; set 3. How do 4. does well in 5. it’s; to learn

1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、 方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。

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Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt.

1)words 2) phrases 3) sentences 2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。

VI. 1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 编对话, Assignme背笔记。 nt 2. 书面作业: 作业 Remember the new words of Unit 3.

Finish off the exercises.

Preview the new words of Unit 4.


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

Section B 3aSelf check


Module 6 Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything?

教学目标:知识目标: fan, stamp, tidy up, shelf, as, coin, note, pound,

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dollar, cent, must, valuable, with, value, just

能力目标: 能听懂和阅读关于介绍爱好的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的爱好;能编写关于爱好的对话。


教学重点:简单句的结构。 教学难点:1. 简单句的基本结构。

2. tidy uphave a look短语的使用。

教学媒体:A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 教学过程与方法 Step 1 Warming up

Ss look the pictures and answer the questions. Step 2 New words

1. Every ______ (硬币)has two sides.

2. My friend sent me a __________(值钱的) gift yesterday. 3. You can buy a s______ in the post office.

4. Before you begin to make a speech, you should c_______ your ideas.

Step 3 Listening

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1. Listen and find out who collects the things in the pictures.

ticketsstampstoy carsfans


TonyTony’s dadTony’smum

collect fan postcard stamp ticket tidy up toy 1. What does Tony’smum want him to do?

She wants him to_____________________.A. tidy up his room B. stamp-collecting

2. Which hobby does Tony think is expensive?

Tony thinks _______________is expensive.A. collecting toy cars B. stamp-collecting

3. Which hobby do you think takes upthe most space?I think ______takes up the most space .A. collecting stamps B. collecting toy cars

3. Listen and choose T or F.

(1) Lingling’s hobby is collecting coins and notes; collecting stamps.( )

(2) Betty’s hobby is collecting fans. ( )

(3) Tony’s hobby is collecting bus and train tickets. ( ) Step 4 Language points

1. Which hobby do you think takes up the most space? take up 占用,从事

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e.g. They take up too much space. 它们占了太多空间 2. Let me have a look.

have a look 看一看,后面不加名词。 have a look at sth. ……, 后加宾语。

e.g. You’d better go to the factory and have a look. 你最好到厂


3. People often give me fans as presents because they know I like them. as prep. 作为,当

e.g. The foreigner will come to our home as a guest. 那个外国人将会作为客人来我们家。 4. They must be very valuable.

must 一定,肯定,用于表示某事可能是真实的。 must be 必定是,用于表示确切判断。

e.g. He must be an honest boy. 他肯定是一个诚实的孩子。 5. My hobby doesn’t cost as much as yours. as … as ……一样……

e.g. His fans are as valuable as yours.他的扇子和你的一样有价值。 6. Their value isn’t always important. value n. 价值;有用性 valuable adj. 值钱的;有价值的

e.g This painting is very valuable. 这幅绘画非常名贵。 Step 5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the

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box coin



remember shelf


Many people collect things, like postcards and toys. They like to put them (1) __________ special to look at. Lingling collects fans and keeps them on a (2) ____ in her bedroom. Betty collects (3) _____ and notes, such as British (4) ______ and US (5) ______. She also collects stamps from all over the world. Tony collects tickets, but Betty thinks that you cannot do anything with old tickets. Lingling thinks that people also enjoy collecting things to (6) _________ something important in their lives. Step 6 Exercises

1. Your room is a bit of a mess. Please ___ now. A. tidy up it B. tidy it up C. take up it D. take it up 2. -- May I ___ your book? -- Mine is missing.

A. have a look B. have a look at C. look D. hear

3. He will give a talk _____ our monitor in the hall. A. for B. with C. as D. from 4. The fan with a long history is _____.

A. value B. valuable C. wonderful

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Step 7 Homework


Module6 Hobbies

Unit2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. Teaching Content: Reading and writing Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language knowledge:

New words: climbing, dancing,playing volleyball, sailing, active, dangerous, healthy, develop, skill, as well as, camp,such as, interesting, relaxing, as a result, success 2. Reading skill:

1) Get information about one’s hobbies in reading. 2) Improve the students ability to understand the passage. 3. Attitudes: We should establish good hobbies. Important and Difficult Knowledge :

1)Get information about one’s hobbies in reading.

2)To be able to write about hobbies with the target language Teaching Aids: Multi-Media Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Guessing Game (2’)

1. Show part of many pictures of different kind of hobbies and ask the Ss to guess what hobby it is.

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2. While guessing, make simple comment on each hobby, like: I like mountain biking because it is exciting.

Many teenagers like reading. Because they think it is useful and relaxing.

设计意图:利用学生所喜爱的猜测游戏,将学生导入篇章学习,激发学生对篇章的喜爱,同时对不同的兴趣爱好作简单评述,将生词教学放入适当语境之中,训练学生对生词的猜测技能,也为后续的篇章教学扫除词汇障碍。 Step 2 Talk abut the hobbies (3’) 1. Work in pairs, talk about the pictures.

设计意图:通过两人小组活动,进一步让学生操练对不同的兴趣爱好的评价,同时对生词进行必要的巩固。 Step 3 Scanning and skimming (5’)

1. Get the Ss to read the passage as quickly as possible. 2. Match the meaning with each paragraph 3. Call back the answers from the whole class.


Step 4 Reading for specific information ( 5’)

1. Present some true or false questions about detailed information from the passage.

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1) David Smith likes writing. (T) (F)

2)He learned writing during a summer camp of 2000.

3)David wrote a story about his life in senior high school. (F)

(F) (F)

4)David’s first book came out in 2003.

5)Writing was his only hobby in his free time.

2. Read the passage by themselves. And ask to finish the true or false exercises.

3. Check the answers with the whole class.

设计意图:第二次阅读,旨在使学生掌握篇章是的细节信息,并通过正误判断题来检查学生对篇章的初步理解程度。 Step5 Reading for comprehension (5’) 1. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1) What advantages can hobbies bring to young people? 2) What hobbies does David have?

3) When did David become a successful writer? 4) Will David’s new books be successful? 2. Present the following questions:

设计意图:第三次读篇章,意在对篇章加深理解。 Step 6 Reading for further comprehension and fill the tables and retell (8’)

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David Smith is a student. He has several hobbies such as playing volleyball and ___________. At a summer camp in 2010, as well as the usual activities, he joined a _________ class. The teacher was a writer and she __________ the students to write. Back at school, David wrote a story and it __________ out in 2012. Many young people ________ his book, and as a __________, David became a __________ writer. So good hobbies can make you _________ as a person and help you ________.

设计意图:第四次大声齐读,加强对语言的暴露。同时通过四次不同形式的阅读,帮助学生深层次的理解篇章的主旨,并结合自身,进行拓展。 Step 7 Discussion7’

1. Discuss as well as, such as, as a result

2. Find out your classmate’s hobby and make notes. 3. Share the ideas.

设计意图:讨论同学的爱好并搜集记录下来,帮助学生更好的理解文章,并为接下来的写作打好基础。 Step 7 Writing (10’)

Write a short passage called My classmate’s hobby. Use as well as, such as or as a result.


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Step 8 Homework

Write a passage called My hobby.

设计意图:为了巩固所学知识点,引导学生培养自己的兴趣爱好。 Step 9 reflection


一、 教学内容Unit3 Language in use 二、 课型:Revision and application 三、 教学目标:

1. 能正确运用本模块的词汇及短语。 2. 能区别并能正确使用简单句句型。

3. 能根据本模块所学的知识,介绍自己的爱好,询问及描述他人爱好。

4. 通过了解他人爱好及分享自己爱好,养成尊重他人爱好及积极参与集体活动的优良品质。 四、 教学重难点:

能够运用本模块所学短语及简单句句型。 五、 教学准备:

本节课型为Revision and application根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验

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愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。 六、 教学过程:


1.Have a free talk 1. Answer the questions 通过与学生的自

like this : My hobby 由交谈,复习了


Leadingwith students. -in 7’ 2. While-t

What’s your hobby? is ... What do you think It’s of your hobby?


1.Let the students 1.Look at the pictures 让学生通过与同伴work in pairs look at and ask and answer in 的问答达到了真实


ask(17’) the picture,ask and pairs.

answer about the avtivities Activity2.


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2.Have competition.

a 2. The students work in 通过小组合作把不groups put the words 同的爱好分类后进

Work in groups of and expressions in the 行造句比赛,可以four, put the words boxes and then make 激发学生的主动性and expressions in sentences about their 及创造性思维,达the boxes and then hobbies . make



about their hobbies to see which group can collect the most sentences. 3.Listening

3. Listening

(1)Have the students (1)Listen to the tape 让学生通过听方面listen to the tape and and complete diagram Activity6.


the 的输入完成相关听


the diagram in Activity6. in (2)Check the answers.

(2)Call back the (3)Listen again and 下一步做好铺垫。 answers.

answer the question.

(3)Have them listen again and answer the question.


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(1)Read the passage and 让学生通过读一篇complete the notes in 与爱好相关的文章

(1)Have the students Activity7 in groups of 来完成相关任务,work in groups of 4. 4 , read the passage

and complete the (2)Check the answers. notes in Activity7. (2) Call back the answers.


3. Post-task (19’)



the 1.Work in group of 通过小组间的合作

students work in 4 ,complete the passage 完成笔头练习,既group

of with the correct form of 强化了本模块知识


and 点的运用,又培养

4 ,complete the the

passage with the expressions in the box in 了学生自主学习和correct form of the Activity4. words




expressions in the box in Activity4. 2. Make a survey. (1)Have

2.Make a survey.

(1)Work in pairs,make a 对对方爱好的调


the survey about hobby.

students work in What’s

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pairs,make a survey your about hobby. (2)


hobby? 2or3 When did





students to say out you their

partners’hobbies. (3)


start...? How

the you feel

students choose the about best reporter.

your hobby? 2Say



partners’hobbies. 3Choose the best reporter.


Ask the students to Students conclude the 引导学生对本模块


simple 知识点的总结,培


Summarconclude the usage usage y (1’) 5.

of sentences.

simple sentences.

Write a passage about your parent’s and

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Homeworkyour hobby. 1’



Module 6 Hobbies Unit 3 Language in use

主语+系动词+表语 主语+不及物动词(+状语) 主语+及物动词+宾语

主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语) 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 There be +主语(+状语)

Module7 Summer in Los Angeles


一、教学内容 Please write to me and send me photos. 二、 课型:Listening and speaking 三、 教学目标:

1 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:list, crazy, shorts, trousers, sunglasses, weigh, total, weight, passportmake a list,at the end of,by the way, prepare for,pay for.

2、能正确使用下列句型:Can you help me? How can I help?

Well,it sounds crazy,but I don’t know what to take. What else?

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Don’t forget to... You’re welcome.



5、通过谈论旅行计划,引导学生养成做事有计划、生活有条理的良好习惯。 教学重难点:

能区别并学会运用and, but, or连接的并列复合句。

四、 教学准备:

课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片、实物和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、录音机、实物、课堂练习本、奖品。 五、 教学过程: 教学 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 步骤 以旧引新,先引导学生进入新Lead in 1. Greetings. 1. Greetings. 的模块内容,训练了学生的反 应的同时又在无形中培养学Step One 2Free talk: “ Do you like 2. Free talks about travel and 生大胆说英语的习惯。活跃了Warmingtraveling? I’m going to summer plan. 课堂气氛。 -up (3’) Xiamen this

summer .Where are you going ? How long are you going to stay ? ”

引导学生简单地谈论图片,Step Two 1.Show students some 1. Look and learn. 练学生描述事情的能力。在描Pre-task pictures and learn the new 述的同时学习新单词和句型,(5’) words as well. 做到词不离句,为学生扫清听 的障碍。 2.Have the students read the 2. Read the new words in pairs.

new words in pairs.Then check some students.

3.Have the students work in 3.Work in pairs and talk about pairs and talk about “What we should take for a “What we should take for a trip”. trip”.

Step 1. Listen and choose the Three best answers (Activity1). 1.Listen and choose the best Activity1Listen and While Have the students listen to answers . complete the notes改成贴近中-task the tape and choose the best (1)Where are Daming and 考的选择题一定程度上降低(24’) answers.Then call back the Lingling going ? 了难度,有助于学生较顺利完 answers. A.LA B.UK C.Austalia 成任务,增强他们的自信心

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(2)They are going to do a(an)_____ course.

A.math B.English C.Chinese (3)They will stay there for______.

A.4 weeks B.3 weeks C.4 months (4)There are ____students in the group.

A.10 B. 30 C.20

2.Listen to Activity2 and say T or F.

(1)Lingling is going to leave at the end of August.

(2)She is making a list of things for her trip.

3.Listen and read the conversation,check the things Betty suggests Lingling take and find the sentences in Activity 3 in pairs.

3. The students read the dialogue in groups and find out the import language points.

4. Read the dialogue in groups and then ask several groups to act out the dialogue in class.

1. Complete the passage of 1plete the passage.

Let the students complete Activity 4 and ask 2 volunteers the passage with the words to say out their answers. in Activity 1(Activity 4).

2.Listen and say T or F. Have the students listen to Activity2 and say T or F.

3.Listen and read:

(1)Have the students listen and read the conversation by themselves and check the things Betty suggests Lingling take(Activity2).

(2)Have the students find the sentences in Activity 3 in pairs.

3.Read and remember Ask students to read the dialogue in groups and try to find out some important language points by themselves then help them solve the difficult points if necessary.

4. Act out the dialogue.

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让学生通过听和跟读课文纠正自己的语音并且进一步熟悉课文内容后找出Betty 建议Lingling西Lingling请求帮助、Betty提供帮助等日常用语,培养了学生通过读获取细节信息能力。



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Step Four Post- task (10’)

2. Ask their partners questions like this :

How are you going to travel to Huizhou? How long are you going to stay there?What are you going to do ? What things are you going to take ?

Then make notes and try to introduce their partners’ travel plans.

1.Get the students sum up 1.Sum up the language points. the language points. Step Five T: What have we learned Summarytoday? 2’ Ss:……

2.Let the students choose

the best team in this lesson. 2.To choose the best groups. Step Six Home- work 1’

1. Write a short passage Finish the homework. about travel plan.

2.Make notes about travel plan.

In pairs ,ask and answer questions about their trips to Huizhou then make notes.






Module7 Summer in Los Angeles

Unit1Please write to me and send me photos.

make a list at the end of by the way prepare for pay for

Can you help me? How can I help?

Well,it sounds crazy,but I don’t know what to take.

What else?

Don’t forget to... You’re welcome.

Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles

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一. 教学内容 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! 二. 课型:Reading and writing 三. 教学目标:

1能够正确使用下列单词和词组: culture, last, depend, provide, test, progress, form, guest,friendship, stay, prefer, certain, fill,at the same time, depend on, stay in touch with, fill out.



3、能够运用and,but or,表达个人观点。

4、通过了解去国外学习英语的情况反思自己的学英语方式,培养学生学习英语的热情和勇于克服困难的意志。 四. 教学重难点:

1能够读懂介绍洛杉矶英语学习活动的短文。 2能够运用and,but or,表达个人观点。 五. 教学准备:

课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课四个阶段教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。 六. 教学过程: 教学 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 步骤 1. Look at the pictures and 通过让学生看图谈1.Lead in Have the students look at answer the questions. 论图片及自由交谈 the pictures and have a free 快速进入本课的话 talk with them: 题,训练了学生的反Step One What are they doing?Do 应,并在无形中培养Warmingyou want to learn English 学生大胆说英语的-up (3’) in foreign countries? 习惯。 Which country would you like to go? 1.Show students the 引导学生谈论图片, pictures and lead them 1.Watch and try to describe the 训练学生描述图片 to describe them and pictures and learn some new 的能力。在描述的同Step Two present new words in words . 时学习新单词和句Pre- sentences and teach them as 型,尽量做到词不离reading well. 句,为学生扫清阅读(5’) 障碍。

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2.Have students guess: Look at the title and pictures.What things will you do if you take the course? 1. Skimming

Ask students to scan the passage and find out the main idea of it (Activity2).

2. Scanning

1Ask students to skim the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs(Activity3).

A.T: We know this passage is information about English courses.What information does it contain ?

Read the passage quickly again and match the headings with the paragraphs in pairs.

2Call back the answers. 3.Careful reading. (1)Paragraph 1

Read Paragraph 1 and complete the notes.

T: Now, we know they train hard this year.Where and when do they train ? Read Paragraph 1&2 in pairs and choose the best answers to the two questions.

Let the students read Paragraph 1 in groups of four and find out difficulties.

2.Guess what things they will do if they take the course.

1.Skim the passage and choose the main idea.

The passage is ______ A.a guid to Los Angeles

B.information about English courses

C.a story of life in Los Angeles D.a newspaper story about language courses

2.Scan the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs in Activity3. Paragraph a.Teaching 1 b.Free time Paragraph c.Places to stay 2 d.More Paragraph information 3 e.Study English Paragraph with us 4

Paragraph 5

3.Careful reading (1)Paragraph 1 Read Paragraph1carefully and complete the notes.

They can offer you great ____ English courses.You can learn about _________and _____your English at the same time.


Step Three While- reading (24’) Step Three While- reading (24’)




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Solve the difficulties. Read Paragraph 1 in groups T: When do the courses of four and find out difficulties. start? Let’s continue learning Paragraph2. Solve the difficulties together.

(2)Paragraph 2:

Present some sentences to the students and ask them to write “T” or “F” and correct the wrong sentences

as well after reading (2)Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3 . Read Paragraph2 and choose the best answers: a. How long does the shortest course last?( ) A.4 weeks B. 6 weeks C.8 weeks D.half a month b. The courses start at the end of______ and the well-trained teachers teach English classes for ___hours a day.( ) A.August;4 B.July;4 C.July;8 D.June;6 c. They check your progress Ask a student to be a by_____

little teacherto check A.setting tests every day the answers. B.setting tests every week C.talking with you Let one team students D.working in groups

read Paragraph 2 and the A student to be a little other students listen teacher to check the answers. carefully to point out Others try their best to answer important points. the questions . Solve the difficulties. One team students read T: Where can you Paragraph 2 and the other stay?What other things you students point out difficulties can do after class? Read points. Paragraph 3&4 and choose

Tor F in groups of 4 To say the difficulties students. and solve together.

(3)Paragraph 3&4 :

Let the students read Paragraph3&4 and choose

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Tor F and correct the false ones as well.

Call back the answers.

Ask a group of six students to read paragraph 3&4. Let the other students listen carefully and find out difficulties.

Solve difficulties. T: Is it free to learn English in Los Angeles? When should you pay for it ?Let’s read the last paragraph. (4) Paragraph 5

Have the students read Paragraph5 and answer the two questions in pairs.

Call back the answers by checking two pairs of students.

Ask a student to read paragraph 5. Let the other students listen carefully and find out difficulties.

Solve difficulties.

(3)Paragraph3&4 :

Read Paragraph3&4 and choose Tor F and correct the false ones as well in groups of 4.

a.You can stay with an American family or in a hotel. b.You can have meals with the family but you can’t take part in their daily life. c.You can visit Hollywood,Disneyland or San Francisco after class.

A group of six students to read paragraph 3&4. The other students listen carefully and find out difficulties.

Say the difficulties and solve them.

(4)Paragraph 5

Read Paragraph5 and answer the two questions in pairs:

a.When should you pay for the course?

b.What things should you do if you want to learn English in Los Angeles?

Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

One student read Paragraph 5 and the other students listen carefully and find out difficulties.

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Say the difficulties and solve them

1plete the passage with the words and expressions in the box in Activity5 in groups of 4.

2.Talk and make notes in groups.

Work in groups of 4 and talk about a Chinese course for foreign students in Huizhou and then make notes. .

1.Sum up the language points.

2.To choose the best groups.

Step Four Post- reading (10’)


Let the students complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box in Activity5 in groups of 4. Call back the answers from two students then read the short passage in the whole class .

2.Talk and make notes in groups.

Have the students work in groups of 4 and talk about a Chinese course for foreign students in Huizhou and then make notes.

Then ask two students to talk about it.

1.Get the students to sum up the language points. Step Five T: What have we learned Summarytoday? 2’ Ss:……

2.Let the students choose the best team in this lesson.



引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。 简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。

Step Six Write a passage about the Write a passage about the 课后作业有助于学Home- Chinese course for foreign Chinese course for foreign 生巩固已学的知识,work students in Huizhou . students in Huizhou . 补充其他方面的锻1’ 炼。写作是阅读的拓



Unit2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!

at the same time

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depend on stay in touch with fill out

as well as

be certain to do sth.

Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles


七、教学内容 Language in use 八、课型:Revision and application 九、 教学目标:

1. 正确运用本模块的词汇及短语。

2. 能区别并能正确使用and,or but引导的并列复合句。

3. 能根据本模块所学的知识,介绍自己喜爱的体育项目,并制作海报陈述喜爱的理由及该项目特点。 十、 教学重难点:

能够用形容词及其比较级描述运动并制作明信片。 十一、 教学准备:

本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。

十二、 教学过程:

教学步骤 1. 1.Have a free talk 1.Answer the questions. 通过与学生的自由交Leading-in with students. 谈,快速引入新课的同7’ Summer holiday is 时也训练了学生的反 coming.Where are 应。 you going ?

2.Play a game. 2. Make sentences with 让学生做句子接龙游Have the students “but,and ,or”one by one 戏,使学生在轻松愉快make sentences about travelling in 的过程中对and,or,butwith groups.The one who makes 引导的并列复合句有but,and ,or”one by the most correct sentences 进一步认识。 one about travelling wins the game. in groups . eg.I would like to go to Australia and I can see the kangroos.

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Let the students work in pairs join the two parts of the sentences with and, or, but Then say them out.


(1)Work in groups of four, read and complete the passage with and,but and or in Activity2.

(2) Call back the answers. (3) Read the advertisement and complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box in pairs in Activity4.

3.Listening. (1)Have the students listen to the tape and answer the two questions. (2)Call back the answers.

3 Have the students listen again and complete the advertisement.

3. Post-task 1. Have students (19’) work in pairs and complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the

1.Work in pairs ,join the two

parts of the sentences with and, or, but Then say them out.


and,or ,but引导的并列复合句的运用。

(1)The students work in groups read and complete the passage with and,but and or in Activity2.

(2)Check the answers.

(3) Read the advertisement and complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box in pairs in Activity4.



(1)Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Where is Wang Feng now?

What’s the weather like there?

(2)Check the answers. (3)Listen again and complete the advertisement


1.Work in pairs and complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box of Activity 6. 通过两人小组间的合作完成笔头练习,然后编对话,既强化了本模块知识点的运用,又培养了学生自主学习和创新能力。

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box of Activity 6.

2. Call back the answers

3. In pairs,make a conversation.

4. Ask the students to work in groups write an advertisement

about a summer English course in Australia.

5.Have 2or 3 students read out their advertisement.

2. Check the answers in groups then in class. 3. In pairs,make a conversation.

4.Work in groups write an advertisement about a summer English course in Australia.

5.Listen carefully and choose the best poster.

Students conclude the usage of and,or and but and words and expressions of this module .



4. Summary (1’)


Homework1’ Ask the students to conclude the usage of and,or and but and words and expressions of this module .





Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles

Unit 3 Language in use

When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there? It sounds crazy,but I don’t know what to do.

Shorts are good,or you can wear light trousers. 并列复合句的基本结构:简单句+并列连词+简单句 and →并列关系 or 选择关系 but →转折关系

Module 8 Time off

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Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre.

一、教学内容:Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre. 二、课型:Listening and speaking 三、教学目标:

1.通过本课的学习,学生能够正确运用下列单词和词组: hardlysightswastethirstytake up point out at the top of…

2. 能够听懂关于介绍去北海公园旅行的内容,并能通过相关词汇与图片描述自己和他人对去北海公园旅行的观点。

3. 学会倾听他人的旅行经历和观点,激发大家对大自然的热爱,陶冶情操,激发建设祖国的热情,培养学生们的环境保护意识。


五、 教学准备:





七、教学过程: 教学




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步骤 Step One



1. Have the students see 1. See the pictures then 赏惠东和惠some pictures and answer answer the teacher’s 州的两处景questions. Questions:



Nanhu Parkin 热身,以学Huidong; The 生熟悉的地West Huizhou). Yes. I can ……


课,创造轻松愉快的学, 趣。通过师生对话,引出课题。

Listening. Listening



Warmin Do you know where it g-up (3’)


Have you ever been to these places? What can you do in it?

Then introduce the title. Task1 Learn the new words

Step Two

Task2 (Activity1 Activity2.)Have

the Finish Activity 1. 做听力来训

students do some listening. Listen and choose the 练学生听力Activity 1: Let students correct answer. look at the photo then listen

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, 文关于去北

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to the tape, choose the answer.


This conversation is about going to _______. A. Zhongshan Park B. Beihai Park C. Feierlin Park D. Ocean Park

Activity 2. Listen 的了解和认again and underline 识,设置简the correct answer in 单的选择题


信心。 题听课文,可以让学生有目的的听录音,并学会综合所获答。

Activity 2: Listen again the book. and underline the correct answer.

Step Three

Task3 Listen and answer Listen and answer the (Activity


is questions:

taking her friends Tony and Daming to Beihai Park.

While-tListen to the dialogue and ask (20’)

answer questions.

1. Who is introducing Beihai Park?

2. What is the park famous

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the following

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Task 4 Reading.

1. Ask the students to read the conversation and complete the sentences about the Beihai Park in Activity 3.

2. Ask some students to write down the answers on the blackboard, then check together.

1. Students read the

conversation and

complete the sentences 充足时间阅about the Beihai Park in Activity 3. 读对话,快2. Come to the


blackboard and write


down the answers.



Task 5 Practice reading. 1.Organize the students to read the conversation with the video, underline the object clause with that in context .

2.Ask the Ss to read the conversation in groups. 3. Organize the students to have a competition: Read the conversation in groups and choose the best group.

1.Student read the

conversation with the

video and underline 看视频代替the object clause with that in context . 枯燥乏味的2.Practice reading in




3.Have a competition:

Read the conversation 确的语音语in groups and choose

the best group. Try to 调。 read the best.


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Task 6 Solve the language 1.Students read the

conversation again and points.

1.Organize students to read find the language the conversation again and points. Discuss in find the language points. groups and solve their Let them discuss in groups problems. and solve their problems. 2.Little teachers come 2.Ask two little teachers to to the front and help help the students solve their other students solve problems, teacher add the language points, more. teacher add more, the It’s so quiet here that I other students listen can even hear the birds carefully and note . singing!


I can hardly believe we’ve in the city centre. hardly用作副词,意为乎不,本身有否定含意。hardhardly用作副词时,He works hard. 力工作。

He hardly works. 他几乎不工作。

point out 表示指出 hope意为希望,表示实现的可能性很大,可用

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作探究,共同完成学习任务,培养他们自主学习的能力。 老师讲解语言点和老师补充后,让学生更有兴趣进一步理容。

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Step Four Post-task (9’)

Task 7 Role playing. 1.Organize the students to make up a conversation in

Group work. 1.According

to 境开展语言

hope to do sth.hope + that从句。

Activity 3, try to make 交际活动,

groups with the tips below. a new conversation in 模仿本文内Student A:You are a visitor groups. Talk about a 容编新的对from another country. Student B: You’re introducing a place of

place of interest in 话,结合提your home town.



dialogue that引导的


interest in your home town 2.Give ( The West Lake in Hui zhou) to Student A. You can talk about: • where it is • how big it is

show. Use


expressions: I guess (that)…

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• how old it is

• what is special about it • any other information you know about it

I know (that)… I think (that)… I’m sure (that)… I




Task 8 Exercises. (Activity 1. Read the sentences 4)

1.Ask the students to read the sentences and answer the questions.(Activity 4).

including the words 4习题巩in the box. Pay 固本课所学attention to the use 内容,加深of

the 印象。

words.(Activity 4). 2. Answer


questions one by one.

Step Five Summa

1. Get the students to sum 1. I can hardly believe up the language points.

we’ve in the city 生对这节课


T: What have we learned centre. today?

hard adv.努力

ry2’ Ss:…

2.Let the students to choose

hardly adv.几乎不,发言,培养几乎没


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the best group in this 2. It’s so quiet here


lesson. that I can even hear the

birds singing! 结的良好学



3.take up point



4.hope to do sth.


hope + that从句



Step Six Home- work 1’

1. Ask your parents some questions about their favourite places of interest in your home town

and then introduce the sights to your partner.

2. Copy the new words.



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板书 设计

Module 8 Time off 小组评价

Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre. T1 T2 T3

1. I can hardly believe we’ve in the city centre. hard adv.努力

hardly adv.几乎不,几乎没

2. It’s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing!


3.take up point out at the top of… 4.hope to do sth. hope + that从句


. 单项选择:

( )1. The box ______too much room, please take it out of the room. A. takes up B. take up C. takes off D. take off ( )2. I can _______ believe the wind is so strong. A. hard B. hardly C. sometimes D. often ( )3. If there are mistakes, please ______ for me.

A. point it out B. point them out C. point out it D. point out them ( )4.They hope to stand ______ the top of the mountains one day. A. at B. on C. to D. in

( )5. - Excuse me, sir, smoking ______ in the gas station.

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- Oh, I’ m really sorry.

A. doesn’t allow B. isn’t allowed C. aren’t allow D. don’t allowed 二.选择适当的词填空。

hardly takes up thirsty sights waste 1. Please don’t ______ water. 2. There’s ______ any coal left. 3. Come and see the ______ of London! 4. Salty food makes you _______. 5. Playing games _______ too much time.

Module 8 Time off

一、 教学内容Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about. 二、 课型:Reading and writing 三、 教学目标:

1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:square, kilometers, shape, human, wake, somebody, path, pull wake up, pull off


3、能根据所给提示介绍旅游胜地以及能用所学知识介绍家乡名胜。 4、掌握宾语从句。

5. 通过对自然风景的了解,增强学生的环保意识。 四、 教学重难点:

1能够读懂有关旅行经历的文章并获取有关张家界的信息。 2能根据所给提示介绍旅游胜地以及能用所学知识介绍家乡名胜。

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3、掌握宾语从句。 五、 教学准备:

本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格 六、 教学过程: 教学 步骤 Step One Warming-up (3’) Step Two Pre-tas

Task: Learn the new


1.Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words.

2.Ask the students to read the new words together.

3.Let the students look at the photo and write down

1.See the pictures and things to say out the new words. 2. Read the new words together.

3. The students look at ppt上的the photo and write

down words that can 图片来学习

Lead in

1.Let the students look at the pictures and answer the questions.

(1) Where is Beihai Park? (2)Can you hear the bird singing?

(3)What can you do there? (4)What’s the best time to go? (5)Can we have a picnic there?

1.The students look at the pictures and answer the questions. (1) Where is Beihai Park? (2)Can you hear the bird singing?

(3)What can you do there?

(4)What’s the best time to go?

(5)Can we have a picnic there?





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words that can best best describe it describe it. (Activity 1) (Activity 1)

4.Let the students

4. Let the students work

work in pairs and say

in pairs and say what do what do they know

about Zhangjiajie?

they know about Activity 2 Zhangjiajie? Activity 2 (1)Where is it? (2)How large is it? (3)Where can you stay? (4)What animals can you see?

(5)What is the most famous thing to see? .

(1)Where is it? (2)How large is it? (3)Where can you stay?

(4)What animals can you see?

(5)What is the most famous thing to see?


Task1: Reading

(1). Ask the students to read

Three the email and check their

answers to Activity 2.

While-t(2) Let the students number

the sentences in the correct order. The check the ask

answers. (20’)

(3) Ask the students to read the passage with the video.

(4).Ask the Ss to work with Step

(1).The students read the email and check their answers to Activity 2.

(2) Let the students number the sentences in the correct order. The check the answers. (3) The students to read the passage with the video


Activity 2问题。一是让学生检查刚才小组之

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their groups to read the (4) Read the passage passage. in groups.

(5)The students finish

(5) Let the students finish

(Activity4)the check

(Activity4),the check the the answers in paris..

answers in paris..

The students read and

Task 2: Learning to find out how Betty

starts and finishes her

learn let the students read email to her mum and


and find out how Betty

starts and finishes her email

to her mum and dad. Next

time when they write their

email, they can start and

finish the email in the same


(1). Students show

out some language


(2).solve the difficult

with the Task 3: Solve the points.

teacher’s help. language points

(1).Ask the students to show out some difficult language points that they

The students try to found.

(2).Help the students to retell the passage

according to Activity solve the difficult points.


Task4: Retell the passage

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间究竟对张家界的了解有多少;二是把学生循序渐进地引到课文内容去。 小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并培养团结合作精神。


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Ask students try to retell the passage according to Activity 7.


通过让学生找语言点,既培养了学生的胆量,又培养了他们自主学习的能力。 通过复述对话,加深对握,同时也语。

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West Lake picture and

ask the students to talk

about it like this:(图画附下



(1)Where is it?


(2)How large is it?


(3)Where can you see?

sk (9’)

(4What can you do there?

(5) what is special?

(2). Have the Ss act out their new dialogues.

(1) Ask students to do some Exercises and then check.

Task: Do some speaking (1)Show the Huizhou’s

(1). Make dialogues in groups with the teacher’s help. (图画附下表)

(2). Act out the new dialogues.

(3)Do the exercises, then check.




1.Get the students to sum 1.Sum up the language 引导学生归up the language points.



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