英语作文:过年准备 Preparing for the New Year Forall Chinese, the Spring Festival is the most important day in the year. The celebrationfor it is very big, so people must do many preparations for it. The two mostimportant things are cleaning and buying. People usually do thorough cleaningsto welcome the coming New Year. It stands for a fresh start and people’s goodwishes for the next year. Besides, because of the big celebration, we have toprepare many things. Therefore, purchase is essential. We buy foods for the bigdinner, snacks and fruits for the holiday. Every family prepares a lot for it,so the market is alive at the end of the year. We can buy everything outside.Cleaning and buying have become traditions. 对于所有中国人来说,春节是一年中最重要的节日。人们很隆重的庆祝这个节日,所以会做许多的准备,其中最重要的两项就是打扫和采买。年前,人们通常会做彻底的大扫除来迎接新年,那代表着全新的开始,也寄托着人们对来年的美好愿望。另外,因为要隆重地庆祝春节,我们要准备许多东西,因此,采购是必要活动。我们购买许多食材,准备年夜饭,也会买零食和水果在节日里吃。每个家庭都会买许多东西,所以年前的市场都很热闹。我们可以买所有的东西。大扫除和采购已经成为传统。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/053408620266f5335a8102d276a20029bc646368.html