兜兜转转还爱你的文案 真希望到最后,兜兜转转还是你 I wish it would be you at the end 我希望这一生榨取的所有温柔都会在你这里悉数奉上,因为我觉得最后遇到那个人还是你。 因为爱你,所以我不希望你做那个听话的小朋友,哪怕你耍些小任性,小脾气我都可以偏心给你。 I hope all the tenderness of this life will be here for you, because I think it's you who finally meets you. Because I love you, so I don't want you to be that obedient child, even if you play some small willful, small temper I can be biased to you. 我爱你没有太多的解释,因为我们之间相遇总是猝不及防,所以我希望你是我的灵魂伴侣。 我已经在人海茫茫当中选了很久,我已经决定你就是我最后的那个人,所以我并不会容忍其他人的出现。 I love you without much explanation, because we meet always caught off guard, so I hope you are my soul mate. I have been in the crowd for a long time, I have decided that you are my last person, so I will not tolerate the presence of others. 如果你认识从前的我,你会原谅现在的我,因为我知道有些东西你可能并不接受,但我愿意为你慢慢改变。 只要最后那个人是你就好,因为你是我最喜欢的人呐。 If you know me from the past, you will forgive me now, because I know that there are things you may not accept, but I am willing to slowly change for you. As long as the last person is you, because you are my favorite person. 我会为了我们之间的关系而不断的变化自己的外在和内在。 我一直想把骨头藏在自己内心深处,因为这短短一生,我们会失去很多东西,可是你的烟火气却已经给了我下意识的惦记。 I will constantly change my external and internal for the sake of our relationship. I have always wanted to hide the bones in my heart, because in this short life, we will lose a lot of things, but your have given me subconscious thinking. 我会告别很多人,但现在呢,你却是让我最认真和静静面对可以想的痛的那个人。 对世界很温柔,而我要变得温柔坚强,不卑不亢。 I will say goodbye to a lot of people, but now, you are the most serious and quiet to face the pain that can be thought of. Very gentle to the world, and I want to become gentle and strong, not humble. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/07f550cede3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b071b0a9.html