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等候的英文单词 等候:名词,一般用作静候某个时机的出现。那么,你知道等候的英 语怎么说吗 等候的英文释义: waiting queue tarry wait await wait for... 等候的英文例句: 那司机等候绿灯放行,让发动机空转著。

The driver waited for the green light, his engine racing. 咖啡馆人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候。

The cafeteria is short handed so we“ll have to wait in line. 等候的英文单词 乘客们拥挤在火车站上等候乘车。

Passengers thronged the station waiting for their trains. 孩子们眼巴巴地等候话剧开始。

With expectant faces, children are waiting for the drama to start. 你已经等候多久了 How long have you been waiting 等候的记者们蜂拥向前。The waiting newsmen mobbed forward. 您等候时我替您倒些饮料吧。

Let me get you something to drink while you wait. 校长邀请她同其他家属一起到会议室等消息,琳达拒绝了,她宁愿在 家等候。 She was invited to join the other families but chose to wait for news at home. 他将等候我的到来。

He will abide my coming. 我们希望他等候。

We expected him to wait. 打电话预先定座肯定胜似排队等候。 Making reservations on the phone sure beats waiting in line. 要插队,像别人一样排队等候。

Don“t push in,wait in line like everyone else. 我到哪里等候开往爱丁堡的快车呢 Where do I wait for the express to Edinburgh 我应

在何处等候 Where shall I wait 即使有一天你一去不返,我也会等候。 Even if someday you do not, I will wait. 用信心等候。

Wait in faith.我们的心向来等候耶和华。他是我们的帮助,我们的盾牌。

We wait in hope for the Lord ;

he is our help and our shield. 我学习了该如何等候. I learned how to wait. 我知道我们的孩子都深深地爱你,他们现在就在门外等候。

I know both our children love you dearly;

they are outside the door now, waiting. 我的心哪,你当默默无声,专等候神。因为我的盼望是从他而来。 My soul, wait thou only upon God;

for my expectation is from him. 杰克惴惴不安地从她身旁走开了,盖恩斯命令他,等候他的联络人。

Jack nervously moves away from her as Gaines orders him to wait for his contact. 杰克坐进车后座准备等候凯文到来,科菲尔用小刀刺向他。

Jack gets in the backseat to wait, and Cofell lunges at him with the knife. 但是过了不久,黏土又给人放进了一间温室,这里阳光和煦地照射着 它,并且经常给它喷水,这样就在它一天天静静等候的时候,某种变化终于开始 到来。

But presently it was set in a greenhouse, where the sunlight fell warm upon it, andwater was sprinkled over it, and day by day as it waited, a change began to cometo it. 在我排队等候的时候,站在我后面的一个友好的的绅士跟我聊起来。

As I waited in line, a nice gentleman in line behind me struck up a conversation. 解决这个问题的一种方法是向服务器发送一个消息并且等候响应。

One approach to this problem is to send a message to a server
