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三年级英语课本电子版下册Unit 1: My School Life - Vocabulary: school, classroom, teacher, student, desk, chair - Grammar: present simple tense (affirmative)

- Conversation practice: introducing oneself and others in the classroomUnit 2: My Family

- Vocabulary: family members (father, mother, brother, sister), grandparents - Grammar: possessive 's

- Conversation practice: talking about one's family and asking questions about other people's familiesUnit 3: My Home

- Vocabulary: rooms in a house (living room, bedroom, kitchen), furniture (sofa, bed)

- Grammar: prepositions of place

- Conversation practice: describing one's home and asking questions about other people's homesUnit 4My Food Choices

-Vocabulary :food items(vegetables ,fruits ,meat,fish,rice,noodles ) -Grammar :countable nouns & uncountable nouns

-Conversation Practice:talking about food choices for breakfast,lunch,dinner Unit5 My Hobbies

-Vocabulary:hobbies(singing,dancing,painting,sports) -Grammar:simple present tense(negative form)

-Conversation Practice:talking about hobbies with friends Unit6My Clothes

-Vocabulary:clothes(t-shirt,trousers,dress,jacket ) -Grammar:demonstrative pronouns(this/that/these/those)

-Conversation Practice:talking about clothes preferences Unit7My Body


-Vocabulary :body parts(head,hair,nose,mouth,hands etc.) -Grammar:singular&plural forms of body parts

-Conversation Practice:talking about body parts and their functions

Unit8 My Pets

-Vocabulary:pets(dog,cats,birds,fish,turtle etc.) -Grammar:simple present tense(interrogative form)

-Conversation Practice:talking to friends or classmates regarding pets they have at home.
