
时间:2023-10-01 01:04:07 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





《格林童话》内容广泛、体裁多样,除了童话外,还有民间故事、笑话、寓言等。 情景对话

SeanIts my nephews birthday next week and I have no idea what to get him. Youve got kids any suggestions JenniferHow old is he SeanHes going to be 6.

JenniferOh you cant go wrong with a book. How about Grimms Fairy Tales SeanWhats it about

JenniferYou havent heard of it SeanNope.

JenniferI bet you have but you just dont realize. Its a famous collection of German fairy tales. It was first published back in 1812 by the Grimm brothers. SeanSo did the Grimm brothers write the stories

JenniferNo they were German academics and they collected folk lore and mythologies that had been passed from generation to generation in Germany. However they did rewrite the tales to make them less gruesome and more palatable to the tastes of the time. SeanSo they made them less violent

JenniferWell not necessarily. They changed things like evil mothers who they changed

to step⁃mothers and they removed sexual references but in some ways the violence was increased especially when it came to punishing the villains. SeanWow are they really suitable for children

JenniferYeah its fine. Kids love them when the bad guys get their comeuppance. SeanSo what are the stories like

JenniferI guarantee you have heard of some of them. Things like Snow White Hansel and Gretel Rapunzel...

SeanOh so Disney type stuff. Thats fine. I thought you were talking about horror stories or something

JenniferWell some of the stories have been turned into movies by Disney but the original stories are more attractive. The cartoons dont really do them justice. It really is best to read them because then you can use your imagination rather than having the images dictated to you by Disney.

SeanI like the Disney movies. Theyre good fun. Ive seen quite a few with my nephew. JenniferOh the book is much much better. If you get it for your nephew youll definitely be his favourite uncle

SeanHmm Im not sure about that. Ive heard that his other uncle is going to buy him an Xbox [譯文助读]


珍妮弗:他多大呢? 肖恩:他马上就6岁了。

珍妮弗:噢,那买一本书准没错。《格林童话》怎么样? 肖恩:是關于什么的? 珍妮弗:你没听说过吗? 肖恩:没有。

