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cary的中文释义为卡里(男子名),音标为[#39;kaelig;ri]。例句:Cary insisted that we should maintain a firm attitude.凯里坚持我们必须采取坚定的态度。 cary [#39;kaelig;ri] n. 卡里(男子名) 例句:

1.The film features Cary Grant as a professor. 这部电影由卡里bull;格兰特饰演一位教授。

2.She starred opposite Cary Grant in #39;Bringing up Baby#39;. 她和加利bull;格兰特在《育婴奇谭》中联袂出演男女主角。 3.Location: Cary, NC Employees: 5,629. 地点:卡里,北卡罗莱纳州雇员数:5629 4.I don#39;t really know what I#39;m asking you, Cary. 我真不知道我问你,卡里。

5.Cary stopped to ask the police officer the time. 卡里停下来,向警官询问时间。

6.I#39;m going away, Mrs. Cary, said George brokenly.



7.Cary is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe. 卡里希望好好利用欧洲的新机遇。

8.Cary insisted that we should maintain a firm attitude. 凯里坚持我们必须采取坚定的态度。

9.Cary: Doing this should cut out paper bill by 50 percent. 卡里:双面印刷,纸张费可以减少百分之五十。

10.About the only person who can comfort Alim is Cary Grant. 关于唯一的人谁可以安慰阿利姆是加里middot;格兰特。

11.Cary is very popular in his college and nearly everybody knows him. 卡里在学院里很有点名气,几乎人人都认识他。

12.Even Cary Grant is on record saying he wished he could be Cary Grant. 甚至加里格兰特(美国影星)也曾说过他希望自己能够一直是加里格兰特。

13.Cary was the only one of the boys who was awarded special scholarship. 加利是唯一一个获得特别奖学金的男孩。

14.Cary, SpongeBobs loyal pet, is a snail, but its meow21 is similar to a cat. 海绵宝宝忠诚的宠物加里虽然是一只蜗牛,但是它喵喵的叫声却像一只猫。

15.My reference was when Cary Grant runs in the crop field in North by

