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时间:2023-01-12 19:05:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Welcome to Beijing


Another morning is coming, and brings in the fresh air



Our friendship will never change, just like the fragrance of green tea

wǒjiādàmãnchángdǎkāikāifànghuáibàoděngnǐ 怀

My door is always open for you, and I’m here for you with open arms


You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here


Wherever you're from you'll be our guest so just be at home

xiāngyuēhǎolezàiyìqǐwǒmenhuānyíngnǐ 一起

We have agreed to meet here, we'd like to welcome you


I grow green plant at home to show you all the legends in the past


Sown on the old Soil to record your memory

mîshēngshúxīdōushìkârãnqǐngbúyîngkâqi陌生 熟悉 都是 客人 不用 客气

Friends and strangers, you are all my guests, and please be at home

dìjǐcìláimãiguānxiyǒutàiduōhuàtí第几 没关系 话题

No matter how many times we meet, there are still a lot to talk about

běijīnghuānyíngnǐwãinǐkāitiānpìdì北京 欢迎 开天辟地

Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

liúdîngzhōngdemâilìchōngmǎnzhezhāoqì流动 魅力 充满 朝气


The charm of Beijing is full of life

běijīnghuānyíngnǐzàitàiyángxiàfēnxiǎnghūxī北京 欢迎 太阳 分享 呼吸

Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

zàihuángtǔdìshuāxīnchãngjì 黄土地 刷新

We want to make new record on this yellow soil

wǒjiādàmãnchángdǎkāikāihuáirïngnàtiāndì 怀 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world suìyuâzhànfàngqīngchūnxiàorïngyíngjiēzhâgerìqī 日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome that day tiāndàdìdàdōushìpãngyǒuqǐngbúyîngkâqi 客气 We are all friends, please make yourself at home huàyìshīqíngdàixiàoyìzhīwãiděngdàinǐ With all the smiles, I am here waiting for you

běijīnghuānyíngnǐxiàngyīnyuâgǎndîngnǐ北京 欢迎 音乐 感动 Welcome to Beijing, May my music touch you

ràngwǒmendōujiāyïuqùchāoyuâzìjǐ 我们 加油 超越 自己 Let’s working hard and try to go beyond ourselves běijīnghuānyíngnǐyǒumângxiǎngshuídōuliǎobuqǐ北京 欢迎 梦想 了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream yǒuyǒngqìjiùhuìyǒuqíjì Just be brave and there will be a miracle

běijīnghuānyíngnǐwãinǐkāitiānpìdì北京 欢迎 开天辟地

Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

liúdîngzhōngdemâilìchōngmǎnzhezhāoqì流动 魅力 充满 朝气

The charm of Beijing is full of life

běijīnghuānyíngnǐzàitàiyángxiàfēnxiǎnghūxī北京 欢迎 太阳 分享 呼吸

Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

