Unit 4 Humour Lesson2教学设计高中英语新教材同步备课(北师大版选择性必修第二册)

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Teaching design

Unit 4 Humour

Lesson 2 Why do we need humour? 教学设计

(Teaching objectives & Core Competencies and Values for students)

1. 获取演讲的关键信息,幽默的益处

2. 了解运用疑问句吸引听众注意力的演讲策略 3. 借助思维导图和演讲者的问题介绍幽默的作用 4. 发表对演讲者观点的看法,并归纳幽默的其它益处

(Teaching procedures)

Step 1 Recall why the three stories from the last lesson are humorous , and then discuss the meaning of humor and what benefits it can bring us.




Step 2

Match the expressions listed in activity 1 with their meanings Step 3 Activity 1

Listen to Part 1 and take notes. Then answer the questions 1) What questions does the speaker try to answer in his speech? 2) From what aspects will he further discuss the question? Activity 2

Listen to Parts 2&3 and fill in blanks with key words Step 4Activity 1

Listen to the speech again and write down the questions the speaker used Activity 2


Answer these questions and think about the reasons why the speaker uses questions in his speech, and what kind of questions they are Step 5

Draw a mind map of the speech, and ask and answer the questions about why we need humour in pairs Step 6 Activity 1

Discuss in groups and express opinions

1) Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Why or why not? 2) And if yes, can you find more benefits of humour? Step 7 Assignment

1) Finish activity 1 from Check your progress on page 24

2) Read British humour in reading club 2 on page 22 and finish then activities

