
时间:2022-04-08 17:56:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Me -WaTaShi/BoGuWa You - ArNaTaWa

自己(自分) (someone)self - JiBun LOVE - AiYiXiTeLu 幸福 happiness - XiYaWaSe 開心 happy - WuLeXi dream - YuMe flower- HaNa

媽媽 Mother - OGaSan/MAMA 爸爸 father - ODoSan/PAPA 姐姐 older sister - NeJiang 哥哥 older brother - NiJiang 爺爺 GrandFather - OJiJiang 奶奶 GrandMother - OBaJiang 伯伯 Uncle - OJiSan

伯母(或大嬸之類) Aunt - OBaSan

早安 Good morning - OHaiYoo GoDaiMaSu

下午好/平常的時候打招呼 Good afternoon/Hello - KoNiJiWa 晚上好 Good evening - KongBaWa 晚安 Good night - OYaSuMi

我囬來了(一般進家門都要說) I am back - TaDaiMa 歡迎囬來~ welcome back - OGaiLi

請問您的名字是? What is your name? - ArNaTa no NaMae wa Nan DesGa? 我的名字是 My name is _____ - WaTaShi no NaMae wa ____ DeSu. 最近還好嗎? How are you? - OGengKi DesGa?

很好,伱呢? Fine, and you? - GengKi DeSu. ArNaTa wa? 真的嗎? Realy? - HongDoNi? 不會吧? Realy? - MaJiLe?

知道嗎/明白嗎? U know/understood? - WaGaTeLu?

不知道/不明白 I don't know/I don't understand - WaGaLeNai

/ I know none of all/I don't unserstand at all - ZenZenWaGaLeNai/YiMiWaGaNai 沒什麼 nothing - NanTeMoNai 沒事吧? are u all right? - DaiJoBu?

怎麼辦? what can I do? - DoSuLu? / DoXio? 什麼? What? - NaNi? 為啥? Why? - NanTe? 好吧/可以 ok - Yi Yo 走吧 let's go - YiGu

可以嗎? Can I? - Yi DesGa?

是認真的嗎? are u sure? / serious? - HongGiTeSuGa? 是的 yes - Hai / So

no - Nai/yeah = = 不行! can not - DaMe!

不要!/住手! don't!/stop - YaMeTe 寂寞 lonely - SaiBiXi

不甘心 willingly - KuYaXi 難為情 feel shy - ArZuGaXi 漂亮 beautiful - KiLe ("") super - Chu 可愛 cute - Kawaii 喜歡 I like it - SuKi

十分喜歡!(大心) I love it! - DaiSuKi! 討厭 dislike - KiLai 最討厭! hate - DaiKiLai!

開玩笑的啦~ Just Kidding - JoDanDaYo~ 好吃 tasty - OYiXi

美味 delicious - WuMae

好棒!(完美) great - SuBaLaXi! 超棒!(最高) best -SaiGo!

謝謝 Thanks - ArLiGaDoo あリがと

多謝(較正式) Thank you - ArLiGaDoo GoDaiMaSu

非常感謝!(隆重) Thank you so much! - DooMo ArLiGaDoo GoDaiMaSu 失禮了/打攪了/先走了/挂電話了 (多用句) Excuse me - SsLeXiMaSu 對不起 Sorry - KoMe/SuYiMaSae

不好意思(表達意思較輕的/男生常用) Sorry - SuMan/WaLui 實在抱歉(正式) be apologize - KoMeNaSai/SuYiMaXiTa !(口語) Bye (informal) - Ja!

拜啦~(較輕鬆的) See you later! - Ja ne~

再見了(正式) Goodbye (formal) - SaYooNaLa ^^
