
时间:2022-04-21 01:50:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
班级_____________________ 姓名______________________ 改句子整理(整体思路:找动词, be/ can还是其他动词)

一、 改否定句:( be/ can后面直接加not; 其他动词前加dont; someany; andor) 1 be动词 (is not= isn’t; are not = aren’t) A. I am a boy. I ______ _______ a boy. B. He is Uncle Bai. He _______ Uncle Bai.

C. There are three circles in the rectangle. There ______ three circles in the rectangle. D. He is playing catch. He _______ _______ playing catch.

2 Can (can not = can’t)

A. He can go fishing by the river. He __________ _______ fishing by the river. B. We can write and read. We ______ _______ write _______ read.

3. Have 表示“有”有两种改法; have not= haven’t; has not= hasn’t> A. We have some nice pictures. I. We don't have _______ nice pictures. II. We have ________ any nice pictures. B. She has a skateboard. I. She doesn’t ___________ a skateboard. II. She has _________ a skateboard. 表示其他意思,一种改法:have前加dont>

C. We have a class party on Saturday. We _______ _________ a class party on Saturday. 4 其他动词

A I need a book. I _______ ________ a book.

B She likes the bull. She _________ __________ the bull. C Let’s skate in winter. Let’s ________ skate in winter. _________ _______ in winter.

二、 一般疑问句( be/ can提前; 其他动词句子前do/ does; someany; andor) 1. be动词

A. I am a boy. ______ _______ a boy?

B. He is Uncle Bai. _______ _____ Uncle Bai

C. There are three circles in the rectangle. ________ ______ three circles in the rectangle D. He is playing catch. _______ he ________ catch 2. can

A. He can go fishing by the river. ________he _______ fishing by the river? B. We can write and read. ______ _______ write _______ read? 3. Have (have表示“有”有两种改法;)

A. We have some nice pictures. I. _______ _______ have _______ nice pictures? II. ________ you ________ nice pictures? B. She has a skateboard. I. ______ she________ a skateboard? II. _______ she a skateboard? have表示其他意思,一种改法:句子前加do/ does

C. We have a class party on Saturday. _______ you _________ a class party on Saturday? 4. 其他动词

A I want a book. ______ you ________ a book?

B She likes the bull. _________ she __________ the bull?

三、 肯定回答;否定回答(先回答yes/no, 然后根据问题的前两个单词判断如何回答)

1 Are you „? Yes, ____ am. No, I am not. 4 Is there „?Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 2 Is he „? Yes, he is. No, he _______. 5 Are there „?Yes, there are. No, there

aren’t 3 Are they „?Yes, they are. No, they____.

6 Can you „?Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 10 Do you „?Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 7 Can they „?Yes, they can. No, they ___. 11 Does she „?Yes, she does. No, she

_________. 8 Have you „?Yes, I have. No, I ______.

9 Has she „?Yes, she has. No, she _____.

四、 划线提问(找疑问词,把剩下的部分改为一般疑问的形式)

1. There are 5 yellow circles on the paper. _______ __________ there on the paper? 2. His name is Tom. _________ his name?

3. I can see an aeroplane. _______ _________ you ________? 4. I can dance. _______ __________ your ___________?

5. I sing and dance on the Children’s Day. ______ ____ you ________ on the Children’s Day? 6. I like riding bicycles. ______ _________ you like?

7. These flowers are violet. _________ ________ ______ these flowers? 8. The book is a star. ________ _________ is the book?

9. My rulers are rectangles. ________ __________ are my rulers? 10. I can see a star in the sky. __________ can _________ see in the sky?

11. Spring is the first season in a year. _______ _________ is the first season in a year? 12. It’s cloudy. ________ is the weather? __________ the weather like? 13. She is fine. _______ _________ she?

14. The sweets taste sweet. ______ __________ the sweet taste? 15. The coffee smells nice. _______ __________ the coffee smell? 16. The robot is one hundred yuan. _______ ___________ is the robot.

17. There is one pizza in the box. ______ _______ pizzas ________ there in the box? 18. It’s soft. _____ _______ it feel? How _____it?

19. They are rough. _________ _______ they feel? How _______ they? 20. Tom’s is afraid of Big Bad Wolf. __________ afraid of Big Bad Wolf? 21. She is my sister. ______ __________she?

22. Kitty’s parents are in the library. ________ __________ Kittys parents?

五、 单数改复数句

1. I have a pair of glasses. ______ _______ _________ of glasses. 2. This is a mouse. ________ ________ __________.

3. There is a shoe under your bed. There _______ ________ ________ under your bed. 4. He likes reading books. ________ _________ reading books.

5. She can make a sandcastle. __________ can make _____________. 6. That is my sheep. ________ _________ _________ ____________. 7.

六、 两句合一句

1. I like spring. I like summer. I like spring __________ summer. 2. I can read. I cant write. I can read, ________ I _________ write.

七、 复数句改单数句

1 They like riding bicycles. ________ ________ riding ___ bicycle. 2 There are some oranges. There __________ ______ orange.

3 We have three pairs of gloves. ________ have _______ _________ of __________.
