河流用英语怎么说 河流通常是指陆地河流经常或间歇地沿着狭长凹地流动的水流。河流一般是在高处作源头,然后沿地势向下流,一直流入像湖泊或海洋的终点。河流是地球上水文循环的重要路径,是泥沙、盐类和化学元素等进入湖泊、海洋的通道。那么你知道河流用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 河流英语说法1: river 河流英语说法2: stream 河流的相关短语: 河流州 Rivers State ; NG-RI 河流作用 Fluvial ; Glacio-fluvial ; Fluviatile ; Fluvial erosion 河流地貌 fluvial landform ; river morphology ; Fluvial Geomorphology ; river landscape 交织河流 anastomosing river ; anastomosing stream 河流侵蚀 river erosion ; fluvial erosion 城市河流 urban streams ; urban river ; the city of rivers 河流治理 River Control ; river training ; river improvement ; rivers 山区河流 mountain torrent ; mountain stream ; mountainous river ; mountain river 河流的英语例句: 1. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east. 河流转向东流时河道大幅度变宽。 2. The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river. 这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。 3. The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system. 就在一个重要的灌溉系统的北边,这些河流交汇在一起。 4. We meandered through a landscape of mountains, rivers, and vineyards. 我们在群山、河流和葡萄园构成的美丽画卷中漫步。 5. Rivers and streams have overflowed their banks in countless places. 在许多地方,河流与小溪都已经决堤。 6. Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals. 重工业产生的有毒化学品会污染我们的河流。 7. He headed downhill towards the river. 他朝山下的河流走去。 8. water abstraction from rivers 从河流中抽取水 9. the clean-up of the river 河流清理 10. a river diversion project 河流改道工程 11. Rivers are being increasingly made use of by man. 河流正在日益为人类所利用. 12. When the river freezes over, we can walk across on the ice. 河流结冻时, 我们可以踏冰穿过河面. 13. The railway line follows the river for several miles. 铁路线沿着河流延伸几英里. 14. The new law will reduce pollution of the rivers. 这条新法律将会减轻河流污染. 15. Let's meet by that bridge where the rivers marry. 我们就在河流会合处的那座桥边见面吧. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/104f3dd3920ef12d2af90242a8956bec0975a5aa.html