爸爸_描写爸爸的英语作文200字带翻译 我有一个温柔的爸爸,即使做错事他也不会讲我。他有一双绿豆般大小的眼睛,乌黑的头发中夹杂着白色的头发,哦,对了,他还有一面柔和的脸。 I have a gentle father who can't talk about me even if he does something wrong. He has a pair of mung bean size eyes, black hair mixed with white hair, oh, by the way, he has a soft face. 一天,我考试只考了85分,多差的分啊!回家又要挨顿打了。当把试卷给爸爸时,爸爸没有任何表情,正当我失望时一股蜜一般的甜涌入我心头,爸爸说:”考不好,没关系。下次努力吧!”我觉得现在比刚才爽多了。 One day, I only got 85 points in the exam. What a poor score! I'm going to be beaten again when I get home. When I gave the test paper to Dad, dad didn't have any expression. When I was disappointed, a sweet honey flowed into my heart. Dad said, “it doesn't matter if the test is not good. Try next time! “ I think it's much better now. 爸爸真好,所以我要用好的分数来回报他。 It's nice of dad, so I'm going to pay him back with good marks. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/11b7645c7ed184254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaa17a3.html