
时间:2022-12-17 07:20:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
许多学生和家长都选择去澳洲留学,不仅(bùjǐn)费用低廉,而且质量更是享誉全球,塔斯马尼亚大学大学是其中一所出色的大学之一,那么2022年塔斯马尼亚大学本科和硕士入学要求如何呢,跟着一起来理解下吧,欢送阅读。 General admission requirements

When considering a course at the university of Tasmania, you must meet the minimum admission requirements. However, meeting the entrance requirement does

not mean you will be accepted because the number of applicants tends to exceed

the limited number of seats. Some courses have higher requirements for academic

performance or English proficiency, or require additional admission procedures such as combinations or interviews. Please make sure that you have read sections

entitled "special enrolment requirements" and "English language requirements".

English language requirements

Please provide your English language proficiency certificate when applying. If you are (or live in) a non-native English speaker, you must provide an

International English Language Testing System or Test of English as a Foreign Language Test report card. Alternatively, the applicant may submit evidence that

English is the only language used in its recent study, requiring at least two years and within 24 months. Submit your report card and your organization's certification letter. For applicants from (or currently residing in) english-speaking countries, the above two-year term can be waived. Note: some courses still need to provide proof of English language proficiency.

Academic performance requirements -- undergraduate

The qualification requirements for undergraduate courses are equivalent to completing the education courses for 12 years in Australia. We also provide the minimum admission requirements for Chinese academic qualifications. The applicant must meet the academic performance of the course requirements; And English language requirements to meet the requirements of admission. If you don't meet the basic requirements of your chosen course, you may be able to meet

the requirements of the prep course at the university of Tasmania. Academic performance requirements - graduate students

Most graduate programs require the same admission requirements for

undergraduate programs at the university of Tasmania. The applicant must meet the level of academic requirements; To meet the requirements of the prerequisites and English language requirements. Special course admission requirements

Some courses have special requirements for academic and English

proficiency. If you are considering applying for these courses, make sure to read the specific requirements of the relevant pages.

Minimum requirements for undergraduate students in different countries The university of Tasmania's undergraduate program is equivalent to

Australian quality education 12. The applicant must meet the requirements of the

course, meet the requirements of the preparatory course and the English language

requirements before he is eligible to receive the admission notice. Students who fail to meet the corresponding requirements will be enrolled in the university of tasmanian preparatory course.

The following table lists the minimum admission requirements for

international students in most of the university of Tasmania's undergraduate courses for countries whose native language is Chinese. Some courses will have higher admission requirements. For more detailed requirements, please consult us.

The degree course you choose will require a preparatory course. Please

visit the course homepage for more information. Please note that the following admission requirements are only indicative information, or will be changed. 一、普通(pǔtōng)入学要求


二、英语(yīnɡ yǔ)语言要求

申请时请提供你的英语语言(yǔyán)才能证明。假如你是(或居住在)一名英语非母语国家的学生,那么必须提供一份IELTS(International English Language Testing System)TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign


请注意:局部课程照旧需要提供英语语言才能的证明材料。 三、学术成绩要求——本科

本科课程的入学资格要求等同于完成澳大利亚境内12年素质教育课程。我们也提供了对应的中国学术学历的最低入学要求。申请人必须满足课程要求的学术成绩;以及英语语言要求,方可满足入学要求。假设你不满足你所选择课程的根本入学要求,你也答应以满足塔斯马尼亚大学的预科课程入学要求。 四、学术成绩要求——研究生


五、特殊课程入学(rù xué)要求


