
时间:2023-01-27 02:36:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

country of our soldiers. I will remember history and cherish the hard-earned good life now!




If we dont fight this war, our ne*t generation will fight, said

Today, my parents took me to see the film Changjin lake. The

an uncle of the peoples Liberation Army in the film Changjin lake

film tells that in 1950, when we were still immersed in the joy

I saw today. This let me know the prosperity, peace and

of the founding of new China, we ushered in another war. Our

prosperity of our motherland today; In the war years, many great

soldiers bear the mission of the country, go far away and fight

Chinese peoples Liberation Army soldiers forged for us with


their blood, lives and indomitable revolutionary spirit.

In the film, I met three brothers, Wu Baili, Wu Qianli and Wu

Dad said, resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is one of

Wanli, and many brave soldiers. In the e*tremely cold and harsh

the greatest wars in China against foreign invasion.. In such

environment, with their iron will and fearless fighting spirit,

e*treme cold natural conditions, in the dilemma of lack of food

they fought the enemy bravely, finally repulsed the enemy,

and clothing; With the belief of victory, Cheng Shi of the

reversed the situation and won the victory. After watching this

peoples liberation army defeated the US military with aircraft

film, I deeply feel the selfless dedication and love for my

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and tanks with his life, blood and indomitable fighting spirit, proving to the world that China is by no means easy to bully. We are lucky to live in this peaceful era. We have never known their names, but we will always remember their spirit and deeds.

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