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1 《蜘蛛侠3》结尾部分的独白台词最


"Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice, my friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choicesthat make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right."


2I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider.

我自从童年时被一只蜘蛛咬了以后发生很多事情。 3Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me. 回顾过去,对于我来说没有什么走向正确的.


Flint,Peter与还蒙在鼓里的Aunt May的对话。

Peter: Flint Marko, the man who killed Uncle Ben He was killed last night.

Aunt May: Oh my ... What happened? Peter: Spider-Man killed him.

Aunt May:I don't understand. Spider-Man doesn't kill people. What happened?

Peter: I ... He was ... I thought that you'd feel ... He deserved it, didn't he?

Aunt May: I don't think it's for us to say whether a person deserves to live or die.

Peter: Aunt May, he killed Uncle Ben.

Aunt May: Uncle Ben meant the world to us. But he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts. It's like a poison. It can take you over. Before you know it, turn us into something ugly.

趣味英语英语表达:你被“逼婚”了吗? 趣味英语:学学形容“坏女人”的专用英语
