临时入境外国人担保人保证书 Letter of Guarantee for Alien’s Temporary Entry 担保人Name of Guarantor 性别Gender 出生日期Date of Birth yy mm dd 证件种类Type of Document 证件号码DocumentNo. 职业Occupation 工作单位Company/Organization 现住址Present Residence 联系电话 Telephone No. 与被担保人关系Relationship With Warrantee 我愿担任 的担保人,保证履行以下义务: I would like to serve as the guarantor of_____________, pledging to perform the obligations as follows: (一)保证被担保人遵守中国有关临时入境许可的法律法规,在临时入境期限届满前离开中国。如被担保人遇不可抗力等原因需在中国境内停留超过规定时限的,保证被担保人到公安机关出入境管理部门办理相应的外国人停留证件。 I guarantee that the warrantee abides by the Chinese law and regulations concerning temporary entry permit and leaves China before the expiry of his/her temporary entry. I guarantee that the warrantee shall apply for relevant stay permit for aliens if he/she needs to stay longer inChinathan the prescribed period due to Force Majeure, etc. (二)发现被担保人有违反中国有关临时入境许可的法律法规或者其他法律法规行为的,In the case of discovering the warrantee to have violated Chinese law and regulations concerning temporary entry permit or other laws and regulations, I shall report immediately to___________ ___ Immigration Inspection Station of Exit and Entry. 本人知晓、理解并愿意承担担保人的义务和相应的法律责任。 I hereby declare that I am aware of, fully understand and shall fulfill the guarantor’s obligations and corresponding legal responsibilities. 此致 (出入境)边防检查站 With Regards. Immigration Inspection Station 被担保人(签名): 担保人(签名): Warrantee’sSignature Guarantor’s Signature 年 月 日 年 月 日 Year Month Day Year Month Day 及时向 出入境边防检查站报告。 外国人临时入境申请表 Application Form of Alien’s Temporary Entry Permit (请用黑色墨水笔填写内容,不能用圆珠笔填写) Please complete the form with a black pen (no ballpoint) 1、英文姓名 姓: 名: Name in English: Surname Given Name 中文姓名: 性别: □男 □女 Name in Chinese Gender □Male □Female 出生日期 年 月 日 国籍: 出生地: Date of Birth Year Month Day Nationality Placeof Birth 本地住址: 联系电话: Local Address Telephone No. 本地单位/担保人(关系): 电话: Local Company/Organization/Guarantor(Relationship) Telephone No. 境外地址: 紧急联系人姓名和电话: OverseasAddress Emergency Contact: 2、护照种类: □外交 □公务(官员) □普通 □其他 Type of Passport □Diplomatic □Service(Official) □Ordinary □Other 护照号码: 有效期至 年 月 日 Passport No Valid until Year Month Day 3、申请事由: □不可抗力 □政府会议 □官方访问 Reason for Application: □Force Majeure □Government Meeting □Official Visit □紧急就医 □常驻外交、领事官员 □其他(请说明) □Medical Reason □As Resident Diplomat /Consular Officer □Other(Please Specify) 4、预计在华停留天数 Estimated Stay inChina Days 5、拟离境口岸名称 Intended DeparturePort 6、是否曾在中国超过签证或居留许可允许的期限停留? □是 □否 Have you ever overstayed inChina? Yes No 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/169132c9f5ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cba1a8d8a.html