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个人简历的英译很多,如"Personnel Vita""Autobiographical Statement"

"Personal Statement""Autobiography""Resume"。其中"Resume"写法稍有不同。个人简历一般应简要写明本人所受教育、专业兴趣、工作经历、所取得的成绩及家庭背景。


1. 个人简历的结构可分为三或四个段落。第一段落简单交待自己的个人情况,如姓名、出生时间及地点、家庭背景等。良好的家庭教育对你的成才当然有利。但美国对此不很重视,一般可以不写。第二段可以围绕你的求学经过来展开,但不要用流水帐式的写法使叙述过于生硬刻板。第三段以你的大学生活为主,你为何选此学科,可以与前面的叙述相呼应。第四段要说明你个人的能力、性格。 2. 内容要着重在你留学的动机,目前所取得的成绩,你终生的目标。

3. 个人简历避免过多的形容词,例如,想象力十分丰富、创造力超群等,宜举小小的例子来说明。

4. 个人简历约200300字为可,不宜写得太长。 范例1 计算机系毕业生个人简历

范例1 计算机系毕业生个人简历


My name is Harry Lin. On May 25, 1958, I was born in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a farmer, planting bananas and pineapples, and my mother takes care of the house. I have two brothers and one sister. Though not well-to-do, my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences.

In working, however, I’ve Found that what I have learned in school is limited and far from sufficient to handle sophisticated jobs. Therefore, I have decided to extend my education and would like to enter an American institution firstly to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Then, if possible, I would like to continue my education toward a Master’s degree.

范例4 化学系毕业生个人简历

AUTOBIOGRAPHY I majored in Chemistry at Beijing University. This was mainly because I enjoyed it so much in middle school and I hoped some day to teach it in college or perhaps do some research. As an undergraduate I enjoyed all my courses, but I especially liked my major subject. My faculty advisor, Dr. Wen, helped me

choose the courses which were of the most interest to me. He also encouraged me to do outside reading and research. With his help I became a lab assistant which broadened my knowledge of chemistry. Dr. Wen also strengthened my desire to study abroad and suggested several American Universities which had good

reputations in my field. As a result of his encouragement and a great deal of study, I graduated from Beijing University with very high grades-almost at the top of my class.

In addition to my primary interest in chemistry, I have always been interested in Chinese literature and painting. While I was at the university, I took some painting and art courses. I found painting could relax me and enables me to see things in a better perspective when I was depressed or when I had a problem.

In the future my goal is to get my M. A. and my Ph.D. from an American University in the field of Chemistry. I plan to return to China to teach in a middle school or a University. This is because I feel very strongly that China needs better educated, better informed teachers. 范例5 会计系毕业生个人简历 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENT

In August 1988. I began to work in business and was an assistant at Da Xing Enterprise Corp. Since November 1980, I have been working with Electronic

Memories & Magnetics Corp. At first. I was a junior accountant; then successively I became assistant to Accounting Manager, accountant, and senior accountant

(present position).The attached Personal Data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. <>
