表单隶属于《设计开发程序》 保存期限:非汽车件5年,汽车安全件16年 Rev. 可行性分析(小组可行性承诺) Feasibility analysis(Team feasibility commitment) 日期/date: 顾客/Customer: 品名/part Name: 产品料号/Part NO: 图号/Drawing No: 对可行性的考虑 Feasibility Considerations 产品质量策划小组并不意图做一个全面的可行性评估,但已考虑了以下问题。所提供的图样和/或规范已被用来作为分析满足所有规定要求能力的基础,对于所有“否”的回答都有识别所关注事项和/或提出更改,以确保我们能满足所有规定的要求。 Our product quality planning team has considered the following questions,not intended to be all inclusive in performing a feasibility evaluation。 The drawings and/or specifications provided have been used as a basis for analyzing the ability to meet all specified requirements。All“No”answers are supported with attached comments identifying our concerns and/or proposed changes to enable us to meet the specified requirements。 是/Yes 否/No 评估内容/CONSIDERATION 产品是否已得到完整定义(使用要求等)以便进行能生产可行性评估? Is the product adequately defined(application requirements,etc.)to enable feasibility evaluation? 工程性能规范能按书面的要求达到吗? Can engineering performance specifications be met as written? 产品能按图纸规定的公差生产吗? Can product be manufactured to tolerances specified on drawing? 产品能按所要求的Cpk值生产吗? Can product be manufactured with Cpk’s that meet requirements? 产品产能足够吗? Is there adequate capacity to produce product? 设计上允许使用高效的材料搬运技术吗? Does the Design allow the use of efficient material handing techniques? 产品能在无以下异常风险的情况下生产吗? Can the product be manufactured without incurring any unusual? 主要设备成本? Costs for capital equipment? 工装成本? Costs for tooling? 可代替的制造方法? Alternative manufacturing methods? 产品是否要求统计过程控制吗? Is statistical process control required on product? 统计过程控制当前是否被用于类似产品生产? Is statistical process control presently used on similar products? 如果统计过程用于类似产品,则: Where statistical process control is used on similar products: 过程是否受控并稳定? Are the processes in control and stable? Cpk是否大于1.33? Are Cpk’s greater than 1.33? 产品符合RoHS吗? Is the product RoHS conform? 结论/conclusion 可行 产品可按规定进行生产,无需任何修改。 Feasible Product can be produced as specified with no revisions。 可行 建议作出更改(见附件)。 Feasible Changes recommened。(see Attached) 不可行 需要更改设计以便生产出符合规定要求的产品。 NO Feasible Design revision required to produce product within the required requirements。 签名/Sign-Off 小组成员/职位/日期 Team Member/Title/Date 小组成员/职位/日期 Team Member/Title/Date 小组成员/职位/日期 Team Member/Title/Date 小组成员/职位/日期 Team Member/Title/Date 小组成员/职位/日期 Team Member/Title/Date 小组成员/职位/日期 Team Member/Title/Date 制定Prepared by: 审核Reviewed by: 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1729eacda4c30c22590102020740be1e640ecc53.html