我家乡的变化英语作文带翻译【篇一:家乡的变化(英文作文)】 the changes in my hometown in the past, my hometown was very small,people lived a poor life. the houses were old and small. pollution was very serious, there was rubbish everywhere. the traffic was not convenient, so few visitors came here. now great changes have taken place in my hometown. the environment has become more beautiful. the mountains have turned greener, the rivers are clearer and the sky are bluer. there are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. people live a better life. their houses are large and bright. many people have their own cars. every year , thousands of people from all over the world come to our city. i’m sure it will get richer and more beautiful in the future . i love my hometown. 【篇二:初中英语作文:家乡的变化】 初中英语作文:家乡的变化 我家在周至县,近几年发生了很大的变化。就拿我家来说吧。 以前,我们家没有电脑。爸爸是个工程师。以前,爸爸画图都要用手画,画的时候要用尺子,画错了不得用橡皮擦,不小心会把绘图纸擦烂,画图慢,还得不停地削铅笔。画出的线条不优美。画一张图纸要用一两天时间。还要描图、晒图最后才能形成工程图纸。总共需要三天。现在,我家买了电脑。他可以用电脑画图了,不用描图;只要用一小小的鼠标点来点去,就可以代替人工所做的一切。一张工程图画好只要一下的时间。画完了直接一打印,又清晰又美观。 有了电脑。我总在电脑上帮妈妈打文章。我自己还用文件夹,存了动画片、日记、作文等。我还用它看文学名著。我还用它学英语、装软件,打游戏……妈妈就用它制卷子、打词语。电脑给我家带来了许多方便。 今年夏天,我们家还添了电冰箱。以前,夏天的东西经常会坏,坏了就扔了,多可惜。现在电冰箱可以冷藏食品,食品放在冰箱里不会坏。它可以给我制作冰块。我补课回来,我就冷冻一个冰块让我解渴。冰箱给我家带来了方便。 去年,我们家还买了空调。以前,在冬天没有空调,起床穿衣服,我总藏在被窝里。现在有了空调,起来穿衣服就不会感冒了。在夏天没有空调时,能把人热得发闷,不想活动。现在,在夏天有了空调,无论在什么时候,只要一开空调,调成冷风,会觉的非常凉爽,像置身于凉爽的森林一样。 最近,我们县上出现了互联网,大部分家里人的电脑都上了inter网。以前,没有互联网,想投稿或有事只要发一个e-mail,就可以把作文投上去,把信寄了出去。互联网也给我们带来了方便。 啊!我们家乡变化真大呀! we also have to buy an air conditioner. previously, in the winter without air conditioning, get up clothes, i always behind the blanket. now, with air-conditioning, and the cold would not dressed up. no air-conditioning in the summer, heat can help people attain the doldrums, not activities. now, with air conditioning in the summer, no matter what time, as long as a use of air conditioners, and water wind, he feels very cool. in a cool place like the same forest. recently, our county appeared to the internet, most of the computers on the home network inter. previously, no internet, or something happens you just want to submit an email composition can vote on upswing the letter sent out. we have to bring the convenience of the internet. ! we really big changes in home! 【篇三:家乡的变化 高中英语作文】 考查提纲类作文的写作。话题是家乡的变化,要点是以表格形式表示的,结构很清晰,分三部分,一部分是过去情况,一部分是现在情况,第三部分是将来展望,可以适当增加细节,不能只是把要点翻译成英语、,注意改变文章的样式。难度在于选择合适的词汇和句型表达文章需要的意思,可以变换使用一些容易驾驭的句子或者词汇实现同样的目的。范文中的复杂句不对但使用了一些短语:in the past ,take place ,live a better life另外还要使用合适的连接词来连接各要点,使文章成为一个整体。如in the past ,now等 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/17a13d1a50e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f433640b.html