不认真的英文怎么说 我们都知道学习英语有一定的难度,要向提高英语就必须认真学习。你知道不认真的英文怎么说吗?下面是店铺为你整理的不认真的英文,希望大家喜欢! 不认真的英文 halfheartedness unseriousness 关于不认真的英文短语 不太认真对待 toy with 不很认真地考虑 toy with 不认真的 halfhearted ; tongue-in-cheek ; unbusinesslike ; flippant 不认真学习 Not serious learning ; Without seriously learning ; Do not seriously study 对待某事不认真 take sth lightly 不认真看待 neglect 做不认真 do not take it seriously 不认真考虑 flirt ; toy ; Dally with 不认真地 halfheartedly ; in jest 关于不认真的英文例句 这对于那些不认真睡觉的女孩子来说是个坏消息。因为从脂肪中摄取的卡路里的百分比变化虽然不大,但它能积少成多而引起体重增加。 This is bad news for teenage girls who skip sleep because although the difference in percentage of calories from fat is small, it can add up over time and cause weight gain. 我们看到希腊,一个不认真考虑破产的小国能够让股东利益在一天之内缩水数十亿美元。 And as we have seen with Greece, a small country flirting with bankruptcy can sap billions of dollars of shareholder value in one day. 这个政府不认真对待肯尼亚人民的呼声。 The government is not sensitive to the cries of Kenyans. www.voanews.cn 但是,如果不认真地进行改革,这一伟大的全球梦想就无法实现。 But that great, global dream cannot be realized by tinkering around the edges of reform. 瑞典、法国、德国、加拿大和其他先进国际可以也应该大幅度减排,但如果中国和印度不认真参与,那些努力将付诸东流。 Sweden, France, Germany, Canada and other advanced countries can make huge reductions, and should, but these would be wiped out if China and India don't get serious. 一些看法是长期存在的批评:医生往往不认真对待护士或者治疗师的意见,这切断了病人信息的渠道。 Some of the observations are long-standing criticisms: doctors tend not to take nurses’ or therapists’ observations seriously, cutting off an avenue for communication about the patient. 说服窍门:永远不要忘记给未来老板和经理指出如果他们不认真考虑你的申请,就会失去你的技能、经验和独特性。 Persuasion tip: Never forget to point out to potential employers and managers that your skills, experience and uniqueness will be lost if they don't consider your application seriously. 其原因是,许多说服性信息在我们耳边吹过而不被我们吸收只是因为我们经常不大注意它们;我们的大脑极易跑题,我们更倾向于不认真思考,除非是躲避不过的事情。 The reason that a lot of persuasive messages pass us by is simply thatwe're often not paying much attention to them; our 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/18616b69e75c3b3567ec102de2bd960590c6d963.html