第一次当老师 The First Time to Be a Teacher 大学英语作文 Being a teacher is always believed to be one of the greatest occupati ons in the world, because they educate the stude nts to be the better pers on and make a con tributi on to the world. My ideal job is to work as a teacher, last week, I had the chanee to experienee teaching students. 成为一名老师总是 被认为是世界上最伟大的职业之一,因为他们教育学生成为更好的人, 对世界做出贡献。我理想的工作是作为一名教师,上周,我有机会体验 了一回当老师。 Our school asked some volunteers to teach some kids who lived in the countryside the English. I cherished this chanee so much and joined the team. As I loved English so much and I studied it well so I had the con fide nee to be the volun teer. Whe n I saw these kids, they were so happy to see us and liste ned to us carefully. I gave them my less on and played the game with them, they gave me the warm response. I enjoyed being a teacher so much. 我们学校邀请一些志愿者去教一些住在农村的孩子英语。我很珍惜这个机会 ,加入了队伍。由于我 i 很喜欢英语,我学得很好,所以我有信心去成为志愿者。当我看到这些 孩子们时,他们很高兴看到我们,仔细听我们讲课。我给他们传授了我 的课,跟他们玩耍,他们给了我温暖的回应。我喜欢当一名教师。 When I back to school, I missed my students so much, they liked me a lot and some of them kept in touch with me. I felt so proud of being a teacher. This precious experienee made me make up mi nd to realize my dream. 非 常想念我的学生,他们都很喜欢我,他们中的一些人与我保持联系。成 为一名我感到如此自豪。这宝贵的经验使我下定决心去实现我的梦 想。 当我回至 U学校,我2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/19b74210cf1755270722192e453610661ed95a0c.html