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又到情人节,如何取悦心上人?科学家为情侣们奉上诱人指南。 Their tips, which range from what to wear to catch a suitor’s eye, to the best chat-up lines and even the most attractive names, could make the difference between enjoying a romantic meal for two on Monday or a TV dinner for one 这些小贴士从穿什么衣服来吸引追求者、最佳搭讪套词、到最有魅力的名字,各种各样。试试这些小贴士,你就能在周一晚上享受浪漫的双人晚餐,而不是一个人吃冷冻快餐。

The first bit of advice for women is to wear red. Not only is a lady in red deemed more attractive, research shows that it makes the men around her more attentive, flirtatious - and wanting to move closer

给女性的第一个建议是穿红色的衣服。女性穿红色不仅看起来更有魅力,而且研究显示,这也能使她身边的'男性更殷勤、更爱调情,而且更想接近她。 The next secret of seduction, for men at least, is to make yourself seem as popular as possible. University of Aberdeen research found that women are more likely to rate a man highly if they see another woman smiling at him and throwing him admiring glances



Women may also be attracted by the thrill of trying to lure a man away from his girlfriend or wife, New Scientist reports


Single women should, however, avoid going out with the boys, with studies showing that women surrounded by men are viewed as being less attractive. This may be because men instinctively fear that such a woman will be unfaithful 但单身女性应避免与很多男性约会。研究显示,身边有太多护花使者的女性反而被认为魅力较小。这是由于男性本能地害怕这样的女性容易出轨。

Chat up lines are also important, with studies show that good opening lines are tailored to the couple’s surroundings

搭讪套词也很重要。研究显示,好的开场白要根据情侣所处的情景精心设计。 Humour is also successful, with gambits such as ‘Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too’ proving highly successful


The 142 women tested by Edinburgh University researchers deemed the worst chat-up line to be: ‘I was just wondering if you had space in your bag for my Merc keys.’


Perhaps not surprisingly, a person’s vital statistics also count, with symmetric faces generally viewed as being the most attractive

三围也很关键,这在意料之中。匀称的相貌一般被认为是最有吸引力的。 The ideal waist to hip ratio for a woman is 0.8 - meaning her waist

measurement is 80 per cent that of her hips. Similarly, a man whose shoulders are 40 per cent wider than his hips will wow the ladies

