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看电视英语日记带翻译 910 星期五 Friday, September 10


This morning, my father and mother were not at home. They asked me to do my homework alone. They told me to write well. If I didn't finish, I couldn't watch TV. 我自觉性不好,作业没写完,字写得也不好,就看电视了。中午妈妈下班回了家,看到我的作业没写完,立刻火冒三丈,拿起棍子,打了我一顿。下午,我吸取了上午的教训,把作业补完,又写了这篇日记,妈妈回来表扬了我,我很快乐。

I didn't have a good consciousness. I didn't finish my homework, and I couldn't write well. So I watched TV. At noon, my mother came home from work and saw that my homework was not finished. She was furious immediately, picked up the stick and beat me. In the afternoon, I learned the lessons of the morning, pleted my homework and wrote this diary again. My mother came back and praised me. I am very happy.
