
时间:2023-04-06 17:01:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
(公司英文名称) (公司中文名称)

Certificate of Identity of Legal Representative


, a corporation being incorporated and existing under the laws of , with its principle place of business located in , hereby certifies that,

,一家依照 国法律注册并存续的、主要营业地位于 的公司,特此证明:

is Authorized Representative of , and has the authorization to act on ’s behalf to sign Power of Attorney for enforcing ’s legitimate rights and interests in the People’s Republic of China.

公司的授权代表人,有权代表 公司签署授权委托书,以在中华人民共和国领域内维护 的公司合法权益。 By(签名):

(英文公司名称) (中文公司名称)

Signature of the Authorized Representative/ 授权代表签名 Name(姓名): Title(职务):

Stamped by Company Seal of (英文) (中文)公司印章

Date of Document: 签署时间:

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