英语作文 介绍饭店 My restaurant is called… We have the excellent cooks to provide you with extremely delicious food.Our style is Chinese food. We also have the outstanding service.We graruntee you will enjoy your meal very much in our restaurant. 英语作文 介绍饭店 英语作文:restaurant Hello everyone,I'm very happy to be here to tell you something about my favourite restaurant. I like to eat there not only because the foods are the best one can dream of,but also because the whole place is very clean and gives you a very good mood for eating.The service there is extremely warm amd the waitresses and waitors are very patient and earnest.The foods that the restaurant serves covers a very wide range and makes it sure that all the ingredients are fresh enough. 希望我的回答能够对您有所帮助 英语作文 描写自己餐厅的作文怎么写 I have a sweet home. At home, we have two bedrooms, one sitting room, one bathroom, and a dinning room Everyday my parents and I eat our dinners in the dinning room. I love our dinning room and I love my home. 指天发誓,我一个字一个字现写的。你老师肯定会表扬的 求写一篇英语作文my favourite restaurant 最爱的饭店可以写在里面的内容:My favourite restaurant is? 最喜欢的饭店Where is it? 那个饭店在哪Why do you like that restaurant, is there anything special about that restaurant? 你为什么喜欢那个饭店, 那个饭店有没有什么很特别的地方?How often do you eat in there? 你多久去一次那个饭店?Do you go to that restaurant with you family? you girlfriend/boyfriend? 你和家人去那个饭店吗 还是其他的。 就这些随便写一写就能有100个字了。 。加油 不要都抄网上的 老师都读过那些作文。 关于饭店的英语小作文 .。 my favourite restaurant作文 Hello everyone, I'm very happy to be here to tell you something about my favourite restaurant. I like to eat there not only because the foods are the best one can dream of, but also because the whole place is very clean and gives you a very good mood for eating. The service there is extremely warm amd the waitresses and waitors are very patient and earnest. The foods that the restaurant serves covers a very wide range and makes it sure that all the ingredients are fresh enough. 希望我的回答能够对您有所帮助,祝您天天开心!望采纳~~ 英语作文你去餐馆如何点餐40词 .。 写一篇有关好饭店的英语作文 XXXXX hotel is the best hotel 译: xxxxx酒店是最佳酒店 许多游客喜欢它。它不仅是非常经济的,而且它使游客有宾至如归的感觉。服务很好,所以旅行计划和为客人提供免费早餐。同时,主人非常友好和热情,因此,他有很多朋友和客人。然后,每个房间都有专门的地方。因为有太多的娱乐,不在乎住在这里很无聊。如何度过你的空闲时间,在那里,是一个很好的选择 小学五年级英语作文 ( 在饭店) 急!!!!! Today is sundy.The weather is good,it is sunny.I am is have lunch with my friend.I like ice cream,so I get a carton of ice cream .It is so tasty .Lili is my good friend,she is in bule dress and a hat.she like juice. I ask "Do you like ice skating?" She say"yes,I do" We say"Let's go!!"。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1b2488738562caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4bfeb6f0.html