
时间:2022-10-19 13:03:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
My school is in quanzhou city, zhongshan north road, facing the zhongshan park. The gate of our school is made up of columns and three size iron gate, pillars also write: "quanzhou city experimental primary school" several golden Chinese characters.

Entered the gate, you can see many colourful flowers and plants, and cactus. Campus there are a few higher than office also big banyan tree, like a few big umbrella.

On the right side of the gate have a playground, move the court has four runways, there is a piece of green in the middle of the runway in the field, is paved with plastic, like a piece of green lawn. Stadium with a variety of sports equipment.

Through the school's main, see the left is the office building of the school. Office building has a lot of window, be under the sun, to bright light. Outside the office building of the wall still hang a is greater than the blackboard screen, the screen often play some news and a variety of programs.

By building a bridge, can walk into the building. Our teaching building has five floors, my classroom is on the second floor. In front of the building is a playground, the playground is a public bar around the tree, there are two basketball board, and the stone table Bench, there is a small fountain, out of the water like a string of transparent beads.

My school is so beautiful, I like my school! 我的学校在泉州市中山北路,面对着中山公园。





通过办公楼的一条天桥,就可以走进教学楼。我们的教学楼共五层,我的教室在二楼。教学楼前面是一个操场,操场上有一个围着树身的公开栏,还有两个篮球架、还有石桌 石椅、还有个小喷泉,喷出来的水像一串串透明的珠子。

顺着学校的主通道往前走,就可以来到学校后操场。后操场有一个篮球场,还有许多乒乓球桌。对了,我们后操场旁边还有一座实验楼,我还在那里学过毛笔字呢!我们学校有个特点,办公楼、教学楼和实验楼都用天桥连在一起。 我的学校就这么美丽,我喜欢我的学校!
