六年级英语上册素材-Lesson 5 Revision课文翻译 科普版

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Lesson 5 Revision

第五课 复习


party ['pɑ:ti] 聚会 weather ['weðə] 天气 sunny ['sʌni] 晴朗的 will [wil] 将要 begin [bi'gin] 开始 bring [briŋ] 带来 do some shopping 买东西 map [mæp] 地图 China ['tʃainə] 中国 crayon ['kreiən] 蜡笔 Saturday ['sætədei] 星期六 son [sʌn]儿子 never ['nevə] 从不 another [ə'nʌðə] 另一个 cloudy ['klaudi] 多云的 windy ['windi] 有风的 place [pleis] 地方

strong [strɔŋ] 强壮的,强烈的 rain [rein] 雨;下雨 lake [leik] earth [ə:θ] 地球 change [tʃeindʒ] 改变 wind [wind] dry [drai] 干的 full [ful] 满的

bring about 带来,引来

be bad for ……有害 full of 充满

difficult ['difikəlt] 困难的 healthy ['helθi] 健康的 bookshop ['bukʃɔp] 书店 hill [hil] 小山 air [ɛə] 空气 wet [wet] 湿的 more [mɔ:] 较多的;更 country ['kʌntri] 国家 cut down 砍倒


Let’s talk让我们谈谈 (A=Ann, Q=Qiqi) (安,奇奇)

A: What will the weather be like tomorrow, Qiqi? -奇奇,明天天气会怎么样?

Q: It’ll be sunny. What will you do tomorrow? -会是晴天。你明天打算做什么? A: I’ll go shopping. -我要去购物。

Q: What are you going to buy? -你打算买什么?

A: I’m going to buy some food. Tomorrow is my birthday. -我打算买些食物。明天是我的生日。 Q: Are you going to have a party? -你会有一个聚会吗?

A: Yes, I’m going to have a party tomorrow evening. Would you like to come?
