一、今天发生的事英语作文 Today I was a little master of my home. I felt relax when a got home. I decided to have a good rest. But my mother made me do a lot of housework…… I was crazy about taking a nap after a day work. And I know a lot about my mum now. She is very busy. What a busy day! 二、谁能给一篇关于尴尬事件的英语作文 Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn't eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I'm sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn't say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti." 上一星期一,我睡过了头,醒来时发现已经七点四十五了。我忙忙的穿上衣服,没吃早饭,就骑上自行车飞奔向学校。我来到教室门口,推开门进去说:“对不起老师,我迟到了。”老师什么也没说,教室的同学忽然哄堂大笑,老师这才开口说道:“李明,你的校服穿反了。” (这不是我自己写的 希望能帮到你) 三、一篇有趣的事情经历的英语作文,有翻译 My holiday was special and interesting. That is because I have saved a injured bird by the roadside. It was when I was walking down the streets with my parents, as we were talking and laughing, suddenly we heard a cry. It was a bird with an injured wing. We immediately and gently brought it to the hospital. Dad said it could now fly again! 我的假期很特别和有趣。那是因为我救了一个受伤的鸟在路边,这是当我走在街上跟我的父母,因为我们有说有笑,突然,我们听到了一声叫喊,它是一只鸟受伤的翅膀。我们立即轻轻把它送到了医院。爸爸说,现在可以再飞! 四、关于家庭事故的英语作文 Family Accident Exactly ten years ago, on New Year's Eve, my parents and I sat around the same table for dinner. I sensed the unusual quietness in the air. I saw tears twinkling in mom's eyes and the blank expressions on my dad's face. I knew something was happening, but I was too scared to ask. I ate my dinner without a word. The silence in the room seemed unbreakable that night. It was my last dinner with mom. Mom and dad got divorced the next morning. I was unsure of the reason, because my dad refused to talk about mom. 好像有些长了,就写这么多了。lz,写得精彩,记得加分哦! 五、一件难忘的事英语作文 放学了,10点多我走向车站那里坐车,怡景中学那个站剩下我还有几个男的在那里也在等车。 238的汽车一来,有两个男人马上冲上去。 我就慢慢地上去,因为我不喜欢跟别人抢位置。后面又有两个男人在我后面挤。 前面那两个男人跟司机说:“这里可以不用投币吗?我们身上没有零钱,怎么办啊?”那时我在想:怎么那么烦啊!238本来就是投币的嘛!还说那么多的废话。”我在中间被前后两人挤得喘不过气了。 突然,有只手窜进我的裤袋里想偷东西,我马上想到他们是一伙的,他们是扒手。我马上伸手打我裤袋的那只扒手的手,他马上收回去。 那时候,吓到我半死。司机知道他们是一伙,所以司机大声叫他们走,前面两个扒手才肯走。 我终于被挤出来了,我一上车全车的人都用好奇又可怜的眼光看者我。我坐下来以后,有个阿姨问我:“你刚才有没有被扒手偷走了什么啊?”我说:“没有啊。” 我拿出刚才被摸的裤袋里的手表。然后,我说:“他们以为我的手表是手机,鼓鼓的,他们才注意我,刚才哪个扒手摸我的裤袋的时候,我就马上缩回去了。” 阿姨说:“幸亏你聪明,不然连手表也不肯放过啊。” 回到家,我把这件事告诉我家里人,爸爸还教我下次一定要大声叫。 晚上,睡觉的时候。想到被扒手扒的时候,我又惊又喜,像死里逃生那样的开心。 我想这件是回深深刻在我的脑袋里 I thought that this is returns deeply profoundly in mine head。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1d0c61fa743231126edb6f1aff00bed5b8f373e5.html