
时间:2023-05-01 11:01:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Good night my sweet prince/princess, may you dream of magical wonders tonight.

May the stars and moon above guide you to a peaceful slumber.

Sleep is the golden chain that binds health and happiness together. Good night!

Close your eyes and imagine a world filled with all your heart's desires. Sweet dreams!

The night is yours, embrace it with open arms and let your mind wander. Sleep well.

May your dreams be filled with love, joy and all the good things in life. Good night my dear.

As the stars twinkle above, may they light the path to a night filled with restful sleep. Sweet dreams.May your sleep be as peaceful as a calm ocean, and your dreams filled with kindness and love. Good night.

Let the worries of the day disappear as you drift off to sleep, and wake up refreshed and ready for a new day tomorrow.

As the night falls and darkness descends, may you find comfort in the silence and stillness. Sleep tight.

Close your eyes and let the sweet melody of dreams lull you into a

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deep slumber. Good night.

May the angels watch over you as you sleep, and grant you peaceful dreams to wake up to. Sweet dreams.

As the day comes to an end and the night takes hold, may you find solace in the knowledge that tomorrow is a new beginning. Good night.

Let your mind and body relax as you drift off into a peaceful sleep, and wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready for the day ahead.

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