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托福写作真题解析及范文:Can new technologies

help students?

下面是培臻教育小编为大家整理的一篇关于托福写作真题解析及范文:Can new technologies help students?的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。 题目:

TopicCan new technologies help students?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 参考分析:

不能完全同意,要表明It is largely true that (statement换个句子结构写进来) How technologies help students learn more information? (互联网;电子书籍)

How technologies help students learn more quickly? (电子字典;电子文本的搜索功能) But sometimes technologies handicap learning. (电子游戏)

结论,学得多,学的快,还要靠一些其他的因素,比如,毅力。Technology can help a lazy student nearly nothing. 范文:





With the help of technology students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.I agree with this statement. Technology has helped a student cross national boundaries, open up new view sand increase the speed at which he imbibes information.(收信息)

New technology in the form of Internet has helped breach the limitations of a country's frontiers. A student sitting in a small town of India can access the latest course material released by MIT on his topic of interest. He can gain access to the latest info that his happening in physics and thus improve his existing warehouse of knowledge. He can browse through the previous papers in physics and dwell deeper and deeper in his specialized study. And how long does this all take? A click of a mouse. Compare this with searching through the mazes of his small hometown library, only to find some outdated articles and consuming a great part of his daily activity.

Technology has helped open up many new avenues that previously were considered impossible. Take for example the simple LCD projectors. They give a visual feel of the subject that the student is studying helping him to learn not only quickly but also effectively. Or for that matter of videoconferencing.(电视会议)A student can ask questions and clear his lingering doubts(清除他的怀疑)when he interacts with a professor considered as the authority in his field.

An overlooked aspect of technology is the transportation. With rapid advances in transportation, a student in Japan does not think twice before signing up for a program in the US. Would this have been possible 100 years back? Certainly not.

In concluding I would like to say that technology has played a major role not only in increasing the speed at which students learn but also in bringing a radical change in the way they learn it.

