
时间:2023-05-10 00:09:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

This is an article full of love. Opening this article, I felt a scent, and I was attracted by the four new typesetting and beautiful four characters on the cover - the education of love.

This article is mainly about a chimney sweep boy

accidentally lost my money, afraid of being scolded the master, in the women's school gate crying. The students saw the boy out of their pockets and praised the kindness and love of the students.

The students at that time were very poor, and they were in their pockets, but they were able to donate their money. In fact, who does not have money to spend? Who is willing to donate the money to the dirty child? It's them! Reading the text, I was always shocked by the simple and sincere feelings between the lines, and I could not help thinking of a thing.

In this "5. 12" event, many houses collapsed. All the people of the world have extended their aid hand and put love donations into donation boxes to help the people in the disaster areas rebuild their homes. When they put the money into the box, they also donated their love. When the staff shipped the disaster relief supplies to Sichuan, the support was carried out at the same time. Yes, in this earthquake,

everyone felt a lot of pain for the people in their disaster areas. They all donated their love donations, even if it was insignificant. It may be known that a beggar donated his begging money at the time of the community donation meeting and moved a lot of people. Because the beggar is a disabled person, it is difficult to put money into the box. The staff went over to help him. He insisted on his thoughts and replied, "no, I don't need your help." I want to pass on love myself! " Everyone watched him put one dollar into the box. When he dropped into the box, everyone was moved to tears. Don't underestimate this one yuan of money that can be an utterly inadequate measure, which contains a caring, aThe support and belief, and the strength of a Chinese nation!

Yanjuan meditation, we are in the world of love grow up happily, happy and proud. I want to send love to everyone's heart and give them warmth and care.
