
时间:2022-09-16 03:06:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Everything at once

As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox 像狐狸一样狡诈,像公牛一样健壮 As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear 像野兔一样疾速,像头熊一样英勇 As free as a bird, as neat as a word 像只鸟一样自在,像笔墨一样工致 As quite as a mouse, as big as a house 像老鼠一样恬静,像匹马一样矮小 All I wanna be,我想要酿成, All I wanna be, 我想要酿成, Ohhh all I wanna be\ohhh,我想要酿成 Is everything 统统事物

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth 像狼一样卑劣,像尖牙一样尖利 As deep as a bite, as dark as the night 像咬的伤口一样深,像夜晚一样暗中 As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong 像一首歌一样入耳,像个错误一样间接 As long as a road, as ugly as a toad 像一条路一样漫长,像只蛤蟆一样漂亮 As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像壁画一样优美

Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be 像个家庭一样勾结,如我盼望的那样健

Bright as day, as light as play 像白昼一样明丽,和闪光一样轻巧 As hard as nails, as grand as a whale 像钉子一样坚固,和鲸鱼一样巨大 All I wanna be, Ohhh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything I want我想要的统统 Everything I want Ohh oh everything I want

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun 像太阳一样暖和,像小丑一样愚蠢 As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea 像棵树一样阴凉,像大海一样令人恐惊 As hot as fire, cold as ice 如火样炙热,如冰样冷漠

Sweet as sugar and everything nice 像糖一样甘美另有统统美妙的事物 As old as time, as straight as a line 和工夫一样陈旧,像条线一样竖直 As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee 像女王一样高尚,如蜜蜂般喧华 Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glide 像次滑行一样流利

Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be 像音符一样纯洁,如我想要的那样纯洁 All I wanna be, Oh all I wanna be Ohhh all I wanna be Is everything Everything I



She hangs out every day near by the beach 她经常去海滩走走

Havin’a harnican fallin’asleep 手中拿着啤酒(海涅根)就这样入睡 She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand 她在沙滩上走路的姿势非常性感 Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 还从来没有人成功向她求婚

Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea 在浪里游泳在海中捕鱼 She is the story the story is she 她就是故事,故事就是她

She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky 她对着天上的月亮和星星唱歌

Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why 为什么它们在天空中闪耀,你已知道答案

She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使

Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正的原因,上帝为什么造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人

She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum 她让鼓点变得更有旋律

She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone 她清晨而出,日落即走 Every little hour every second you live 在你生命的每分每秒

Trust in eternity that’s what she gives 相信她带给你的永恒信念

She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne 她长得象玛丽莲,走路像苏姗妮 She talks like Monica and Marianne 她说话像莫尼卡和玛丽安妮 She wins in everything that she might do 她做的每件事都能成功

And she will respect you forever just you 而且她会永远维护你,是的只有你

She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使

Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人

She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人啊 She is so pretty 她真可爱

She is like you and me 她就像你,就像我 Like them like we 就像他们,就像我们

She is in you and me 她就在你心中,就在我心中

She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使

Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人

(She is the one) She is the one (就是她啊)就是她

(That you never forget) That you never forget (你永远忘不了啊)你永远忘不了 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使 She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl 她才是真正的原因(哦,她一定是真正的原因)上帝为什么要造女孩

She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) 她是世界上最可爱的人啊

Na na na na na .呐,呐,呐
