介绍西瓜的英语作文 导语:夏天就是西瓜的季节,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! Watermelon wearing a green military uniform, there is a pattern on the military uniform. Some round and aunt big ball, some similar ellipse like exhibition, their heads often also left a small plait, as cute cute. The watermelon cut with vertical pattern, you will see the red pulp and the like Xia dolphin like Black Pearl seeds like bursts of fragrance, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind will surround you, you attract, you can not help to taste, bite, a sweet as honey Watermelon Juice will flow in the entrance, people appetites. Watermelon is really delicious! 西瓜穿着一身绿军装,军装上还有着一条间着一条的花纹。有的圆溜溜的和小姨的大皮球,有的类似椭圆像展览一样,他们的头上往往还留着一只小辫子,显的那样俏皮可爱。把西瓜竖向随着花纹切开,你会看见红的似霞的果肉和一颗颗像黑珍珠般的种子,一阵阵沁人心脾的清香会围绕着你,把你吸引,让你忍不住去尝一尝,咬一口,一股股甜的如蜜的西瓜汁就会流入口中,让人胃口大开。西瓜可真好吃! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/20c7ee0d0a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26924c59609.html