
时间:2022-11-01 00:04:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

In the sunny and beautiful holiday, I learned something make me very happy, that is, boating. On May 1, on this day, my sister took me to the peach river park to go boating. We walked in the park gate, along the busy road to rent a boat dock. Sister bought tickets, we boarded a white boat. My sister is sitting in the stern, paddle, the boat slowly left the shore. I roll my eyes staring at the elder sister rowing movement, the in the mind really want to give it a try. Sister like see through my mind. She said "brother, I'm tired, you come for a while." "I won't, I'm scared." I said. Sister like like really tired said "I'm so tired, you can't, I teach you." I arrived in but sister persuasion, carefully took the sculls again, learn elder sister look up. Somehow, paddle is didn't listen to me, it is not into the water to be not moved, is wiping the water run, when the son, the son, not and in a short while, splashes and sister and I'll face is all water, the boat is in the spin around the vase. Other people watched on board burst out laughing. I think the cheek tingle, really a little embarrassed. "It doesn't matter, take your time." Sister said while pointing. According to the appearance of the elder sister, my heart calm down, slowly, his hands clenched OARS, focus your eyes front, on the cross, the ship really go forward. I was very happy, and full of spirit come, force of scratched up, I want to ship fast

forward, from the terminal to the other side. Rowing paddle, paddle seems more and more obedient. I'm excited I don't know what to do. Then I reached the other side. I finally learned

to boating, although I rowed full head big sweat, the in the mind have say a happy!

在这个晴朗而又美丽的长假里,我学会了一件令我很欢快的事,那就是——划船。 51日这个天,姐姐带我来到桃河公园去划船。我们走进公园的大门,沿着人来人往的路来到租船的码头。姐姐买好船票,我们便登上了一只白色的小船。我坐在船尾,姐姐划桨,小船逐步的离开了岸边。 我目不转睛地注视着姐姐划船的动作,心里真想试一试。姐姐像看透了我的心思。她说:“弟弟,我累了,你来划一会儿。” “我不会,我怕……”我说。 可姐姐像似真累了说:“我真困了,你不会,我教你。” 我抵不过姐姐的劝说,小心翼翼得接过双桨,学着姐姐的样子划起来。不知怎么的,桨就是不听我的话,它不是钻进水里不动,就是擦着水面跑,时儿上,时儿下,不一会儿,溅得姐姐和我满身满脸都是水,小船呢仅仅在原地打转转儿。别的船上的人看了都哈哈大笑起来。我觉得脸上热辣辣的,真有点不好意思。“没关系,慢慢来。”姐姐一边说一边比划着。我照着姐姐的样子,心平静下来,慢慢地,双手握紧船桨,双眼注视前方,一下一下的划,船真的向前走了。我高兴极了,浑身的劲也来啦,就用力的划了起来,我想船飞快前进,从码头划到对岸。划着划着,船桨好像越来越听话了。我兴奋的不知该怎么做。后来我顺利的到达了对岸。 我终于学会了划船,虽然我划得满头大汗,心里却有说不出的高兴!
