自我介绍_介绍我的英语作文200字带翻译 我叫徐x,快要步入五年级啦!今天,我介绍自己,能和希望大家做好朋友! My name is Xu x, I'm going to be in grade five! Today, I introduce myself to you. I hope you can be friends! 我是个性格比较文静的女孩,喜欢呆在教室里,和同学们在一起玩耍。别看我在生人面前不怎么说话,在自己班里,可没有这么文静呢! I am a quiet girl. I like to stay in the classroom and play with my classmates. Although I don't speak much in front of strangers, I'm not so quiet in my class! 我平时扎着个”马尾辫”,我很喜欢留长头发,可妈妈偏偏不喜欢我留长发,每次剪头,都是被拖着去的。 I usually wear a ponytail. I like to have long hair, but my mother doesn't like me to have long hair. Every time I cut my hair, it's dragged away. 我喜欢夏天。因为,夏天可以开空调,在凉爽的空调房间里可舒服了! I like summer. Because in summer, you can turn on the air conditioner. It's comfortable in a cool air-conditioned room! 时间过得很快,转眼间,我都快要进入五年级了。接着,就是六年级,之后,就要小升初了!我很舍不得同学,舍不得老师,希望能在学校里多呆几年,永远不要离开! Time passed quickly. In an instant, I was almost in fifth grade. Then, it's sixth grade, after that, it's going to be junior high! I am very reluctant to classmates, reluctant to teachers, hope to stay in school for a few more years, never leave! 这就是我。 I am what I am. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2191478386254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f316a0.html