按摩的英文怎么说 按摩从性质上来说,它是一种物理的治疗方法,可分为保健按摩、运动按摩和医疗按摩。那么你知道按摩的英文怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起学习按摩的英语知识吧。 按摩英文说法 massage chirismus cheirapsis 按摩的英文例句 通过按摩让洗发香波渗入头皮。 Massage the shampoo into the scalp. 声名狼藉的按摩院 A notorious massage parlour 如果你希望亲自为家人及朋友按摩的话 If you wish to massage your family and friends yourself 按摩对缓解压力并非长期有效。 Massage isn't a long-term cure for stress. 有效的按摩总是使我放松。 A good massage always relaxes me. 按摩后我们忘记了把钱拿走。 We forgot to take that money after the massage. 亚力克斯问我是否想做按摩。 Alex asked me if I wanted a massage. 按摩是舒缓压力的一剂妙方。 Massage is a wonderful antidote to stress. 他按摩着自己的胳膊和僵硬的双腿。 He rubbed his arms and stiff legs. 他按摩他那麻木的脚,使它恢复知觉。 He rubbed his numb foot to restore the feeling. 在运动员强烈运动之后,教练为他按摩。 Trainers rub down an athlete after hard exercise. 我喜欢坐在按摩浴缸内按摩。 I like to sit in the jacuzzi and get a massage. 从香熏按摩开始,以清爽的面部按摩结束。 Start with an aromatic massage and finish with a refreshing facial. 你要指压按摩还是精油按摩? Do you want a shiatsu massage or an oil massage? 我享受了(一番)我的按摩师给我的用力按摩。 I enjoyed getting a rubdown from my chiropractor. 希望有人能给我按摩按摩。 I wish someone would give me a massage. 真是!我肩膀都僵了。希望有人能给我按摩按摩。 Boy! My shoulders is stiff. I wish someone will give me a massage. 她给他按摩了肌肉以后,他感到很舒服。 After she kneaded his muscles, he felt very comfortable. 在这个自由获取effleurage视频从一个按摩保健按摩的专业技巧。 Get effleurage massage tips from a massage specialist in this free health video. 按摩时要注意在一个身体部位结束之后再开始进行下个身体部位的按摩。 Always complete the routine on one part of the body before beginning on the next 关于按摩的英语阅读:USB头部按摩器治头痛 Thanko is a Japanese gadget firm that makes just about anything you can think of. If you need a set of Santa boots to warm your feet using USB power, Thanko has it. If your butt gets too hot in the summer, get the Thanko water-cooled seat cushion. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/21ae4c5a7cd5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c85896a.html