
时间:2022-04-17 22:11:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Foil Hero

It's also a normal afternoonsunshine through the window, lazily sprinkled on the desktop. I can't remember the afternoon on which I came to the United States. I opened a word book around me and a word came into my eyes“ Tragic”. There is a picture appear in my mind-The play Antigo. In Sop play , the king is one of the main characters. He is a noble state, he born in the royal family, that is doomed he will face lots of challenges in his life. Until he is the king, the difficulties always around him. For example, he doesn't allow people to bury the corpse of. But his niece violation it that makes him must kill her. But she is his son'. Many similar things make him become a tragic hero.

did everything is to keep the power in his hand and protect the country safe. “Where you have been in the country safe, the conflicts between him and Harmon made him become tragic. " Are you so insolent you threaten me? Where's the threat in challenging a bad decree? You will regret parading what you think like this you- - a person with an empty brain! If you weren't my father, I might say you were not thinking straight. Would you, indeed? Well, then, by Olympus, I'll have you know you will be sorry for demeaning me With all these insults." (Sophocles L860) said he will die with . For, it is difficult for him to kill . is involvement made as a king unable to make a right decides.

When heard is in dangers, he stood out and fight with. Differently, never thought is his family member. He as a king issued the order. “ My lord, left in such a hurry. He’s angry-in a young man at his age the mind turns bitter when he’s feeling hurt. Let him dream up or carry out great deeds beyond the power of man, he’ll not save this girls-their fate is sealed. Are you going to kill them both? No-not the one whose hands are clean. You are right. How do you plan to kill ? I will take her on a path no people use, and hide her in a cavern in the rocks, while still alive, I’ll set out provisions, as much as party requires, to make sure the city is not totally corrupted. Then she can speak her

prayers to Hades, the only god she worships, for success avoiding death-or else, at least, she’ll learn, although too late, how it’s a waste of time to work to honor those whom Hades holds.” When threatening Freon to forgive with his life, unmoved. Even the left in a cave and give her a little food.
