学习打篮球英语作文300字 一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。暑假的早晨可不能浪费。我报了篮球班,决定锻炼身体。 A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning. Summer morning can't be wasted. I signed up for the basketball class and decided to exercise. 第一天,我认识了教我们的老师,她和蔼可亲,让我们之间的距离拉近了很多。”嘟嘟……”上课了,我匆匆地跑过来,开始了各种训练,我才知道老师上课和下课简直判若两人。下课后,我就回家了。 On the first day, I met the teacher who taught us. She was kind and made our distance closer. “Dudu...” Class, I rushed over, began a variety of training, I just know that the teacher in class and after class is very different. After class, I went home. 就这样,日复一日,转眼间就过去了4天。第5天,老师露出了笑容,说:”我们今天去碧洲公园活动。”许多同学欢呼着,走出了校门。我总觉得老师有诡计,但我也跟了上去。果然,老师让我们进行越野跑,还玩了贴膏药,可是,跑着跑着就累了,最后就可以用惨不忍睹来形容了。 In this way, day after day, four days passed in an instant. On the fifth day, the teacher smiled and said, “we are going to bizhou park today.” Many students cheered and walked out of the school. I always think the teacher has a trick, but I also follow up. Sure enough, the teacher asked us to run cross-country, and we also played with plasters. However, we were tired when we ran, and finally we could describe it as miserable. 到学校后,我们获得了一枚勋章,作为这个星期的奖励。我开心地戴着勋章回家了。 When we got to school, we got a medal as a reward this week. I went home happily with my medal on. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/22daa66341323968011ca300a6c30c225901f02f.html