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现在分词: listening

adj.收听的,收听无线电广播的; 助听用的;

v.倾听( listen的现在分词 ); 留心听; 听信; (让对方注意)听着 第三人称单数: listens

v.倾听( listen的第三人称单数 ); 留心听; 听信; (让对方注意)听着 第三人称单数listens造句

1. She still listens to the tapes I made her. 她还在听我为她录制的带子。

2. He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more. 他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释.

3. She listens to classical music for relaxation. 她听古典音乐放松.

4. At these discussions he always takes a back seat and listens to the others talking.


5. When the distraction of the tongue is removed, the heart listens.

舌头只会让人分心,只有舌头停止说话, 心灵才能听见另一颗心声. 6. He listens to the radio while driving to work. 他去上班一边开着车一边听音乐.

7. He listens to what people say, and he tries to guess what he hears.

他先听别人是怎么说的, 再试着去猜听到的是什么.

8. It listens to what people say and it tries to imitate what it heard.


9. Every day she listens to English over the radio in order to improve her pronunciation.


10. Her face is impassive as she listens to Miller dictating the warrant for her arrest.

她毫无表情地在听米勒口述拘留她的证书. listen的常见用法

用作动词 用作不及物动词 S+(+A)

He listened, but could hear nothing. 他侧耳静听,但什么声音也听不见。 She listened closely while he read. 他朗读时,她听得很仔细。

If you listen carefully, you can hear a funny sound in the engine.

如果你仔细听,就能听到发动机中有一种古怪的声音。 If you listen, you can hear the music. 如果你留心听,你就会听到音乐 He listened with all his mind. 他全神贯注地听。

Now listen,Tom, there are some things I want to know,said Tom's father.

“喂,汤姆,有些事情我想知道。”汤姆的父亲说。 Listen,Lina, we have no money,said mother. “听我说,丽娜,我们没有钱。”妈妈说。 Listen, mates, we must go faster.
