
时间:2022-03-26 09:59:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


to resist the authority of nurse Ralched by claiming to turn down the music and change

the schedual to watch the ball game and bring people outside to go fishing. At last ,

A review of One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest

the chief`s awareness of resistence comes to be aroused and leave

There is a widespread anecdote : A frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump

this water that is slowly heated successfully.

out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive

My review of The King`s Speech

the danger and will be cooked to death.This story called The boiling frog .And One

The success of the king`s speech lies in his strong perseverance as well as an

Flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest just demonstratses this phenomena.People in the cuckoo`s

equal and trustful relationship has been built between the king and Dr Longue.

nest just like this frog who get accustoumed to the life that is schedualled and

There is no doubt that the king is a man with a strong will,which is one factor

controlled by others and lose the courage to leave.And it takes a lot to go out this

of his success .In order to overcome his stuttering problem,he meets many doctors

slowly heated water.

and suffers a lot,but he always doesn`t give up.At the beginning of the film,he puts

People in the cuckoo`s nest who are compelled to eat medicine and listen harsh

up with the suffer of insertingr seven marbles,which gets him angry at last.He still

music and are not allowed to watch the ball game are threated badly.Although they

goes to see Dr Longue although he has told his wife not to introduce any doctors to

always complain about the Cuckoo`s nest ,it never occurred that they want to flew

him .Besides,he insists on repeating tongue twisters even when he goes out to persuade

over this disgusting place .They has adapted to the life of being principled ,and

his brother David.

their awareness of resistance has died out. When Memurphy comes to there ,he begins

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Another factor is that there is a relationship with total equality and trust.Owing

to the king is faithful in Lionel,he can accept his special methods without

hesitation,such as

jumping ,shouting ,rolling on the ground,ect..Due to the equality and trust,the

king considers Lionel as his friend,and shares what he has experienced when he was

a child and his fear of his father and brother.So that Lionel gives the king faith

in his voice and makes him believe in himself through communication with the king

and stimulation by siting on Saint Edward`s chair. Therefore,the king can have courage

to give a successful speech and becomes the symbol of nation resistence.

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