忧郁的反义词是什么 在汉语中,有些词的意义相反或者互相对立。我们把这样的词叫作反义词。学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,现店铺精心整理了一些关于忧郁的反义词,希望可以帮助你提高语文知识的积累! 忧郁 相关的反义词: 舒畅开朗 活泼 舒展 放松 平静 满足 悠然 自在 舒心 宽慰 宽心 坦然 中文解释: [as melancholy as a cat;heavyhearted;dejected] 忧伤郁结;忧虑烦闷 英文解释 melancholy;heavyhearted;dejected;cafard;doldrums ; 例句 这会让人感到忧郁! It makes you feel so melancholy! 这就是你忧郁的原因? Is that why you're sad? 您前妻有点精神忧郁. Ex-wife was having some depression. 这么说你最近天天都很忧郁? So are you depressed everyday lately? 他当时是想控制住随着他的宣誓就职而来的过高期望,不过或许注入了太多的悲观和忧郁,给消费者泼了冷水。 He was trying to rein in the lofty expectations that accompanied his inauguration, but probably injected too much doom and gloom,chilling consumer behavior. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/268298d3d938376baf1ffc4ffe4733687f21fc50.html