英文脑筋急转弯 Q: Why is the letter T like an island? 为什么字母T像一座岛? A:Because it is in the middle of waTer! T不就在“water”当中嘛。 水=water,字母T就在water这个单词的正中间。 Q: Why did the boy bury his mobile phone? 为啥小明把自己的手机给埋了? A: Because the batteries were dead. 因为他的手机的电池死了(没电了)。 英语里说没电的电池=dead battery。 Q: Which are the stronger days of the week? 每周的哪些天更strong一些呢? A: Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays(weak days). 周六和周日,其他都是weekdays。 week和weak同音,weak与strong相反。 Q: How can you tell the ocean is friendly? 为什么说大海很友好呢? A: It waves. 它会wave(挥手)啊。 wave有波涛翻滚的意思,也有挥手致意的意思。 Q: Why did the boy throw the butter out the window? 为什么男孩把butter扔出窗外? A: To see a butterfly! 他想看butterfly。 butter是黄油,fly是飞,看黄油飞起来,其实butterfly是蝴蝶的意思。 附录:试比较: Q: How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 英语字母表有多少个字母? A:26 letters! Q: How many letters are there in the phrase “the English alphabet”? A:人家问的是the English alphabet这3个单词包含多少字母,所以3 in the, 7 in English and 8 in alphabet,加起来就18个。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/26ebea91168884868662d6de.html